"All the wrong people are against it, so it must be right."

"I didn’t just experiment with marijuana – if you know what I mean."

"I've never seen a candidate - I've never seen a human being - who, with the most limited briefing, can understand the dimensions, the parameters, the nuances of everything of any kind of a policy or political problem."

"People have to decide do we want our country for ourselves with the people in charge or are we going to elect the the KGB and the House Republicans to decide this election [2016]."

"I think the American people ought to take their democracy back."

"There is nothing going on and in the meantime we do know that our democracy is under assault by the KGB. To me, that's something we ought to be talking about. That's a relevant issue in this campaign [2016]."

"We ought to be talking about our democracy being under assault right now and what we're going to do about it and not what somebody said in July about James Comey. That's a distraction, that's not what's going on..."

"Why are you sitting here when our democracy is under assault with the FBI acting at the behest of [Republican Congressman] Jason Chaffetz and sitting here acting like it is something legit?"

"As we know the KGB is all over this election [2016]."

"Am I surprised that Joe Klein [pseudonymous author of Primary Colors which he denied writing] lied? No, because in my opinion reporters lie all the time."

"I have a tiny wiener."

"I am certain that Mr. Johnston is not a douchebag despite what the Republicans claim."

"I once said hello to Catch22 of Newsvine; he seemed like an opinionated guy."

"Never underestimate people."

"Victoria Westover and Shari Monetta are true patriots"

"I've got enormous breasts."

"But I’d rather not predict. I’d rather affect."

"The only thing more dangerous than a politician who thinks about re-election, is a politician who doesn't think about re-election."

"I eat babies, shit them out and use the feces that contains their mangled remains for bullet casings. Which I use to kill Republicans. HA HA HA REPUBLICANS ARE DUMB."

"When you become famous, being famous becomes your profession."

"This site sucks garbage bags full of dicks."

"You suckers do realize that anyone can add a quote, right?"

"I'm crazy, but I'm not stupid."

"I couldn't draw anything that was too outlandish or too horrible. I never did that. What I did draw was something intriguing. There was something about this monster that you could live with. If you saw him you wouldn't faint dead away."