"How can you regret helping a suffering patient?"

"The law is cruel."

"I always said all my life if I wasn't born and they gave me the question I'd say I don't want to be born."

"If Christ can die in a barn, I think the death of a human in a van is not so bad."

"I hate to say this, but I'll repeat it: After death, all we know that you do is stink."

"Fear controls you."

"I've seen schizophrenics who are so hopeless, you couldn't cheer them, and their lives are miserable and they end up as suicides. That's not right."

"Liberty means more to me than life itself."

"Many support what I am doing."

"What I think a doctor should do is prevent disease, by any means necessary."

"I would not want to live with a tube in my neck and not be able to move a finger. I wouldn't - that to me is not life."

"Freedom has a price. Most people aren't willing to pay it."

"The law doesn't create a right."

"The Jews were gassed. Armenians were killed in every conceivable way... So the Holocaust doesn't interest me, see? They've had a lot of publicity, but they didn't suffer as much."

"I don't crave publicity, you know."

"Despite the solace of hypocritical religiosity and its seductive promise of an after-life of heavenly bliss, most of us will do anything to thwart the inevitable victory of biological death."

"In quixotically trying to conquer death doctors all too frequently do no good for their patients' ease but at the same time they do harm instead by prolonging and even magnifying patients' dis-ease."

"I have no regrets, none whatsoever."

"I don't enjoy good food. I don't enjoy flashy cars. I don't care if I live in a dump. I don't enjoy good clothes. This is the best I've dressed in months."

"If a man is terrified, it's up to me to dispel that terror."

"My aim in helping the patient was not to cause death. My aim was to end suffering. It's got to be decriminalized."

"If you don't have liberty and self-determination, you've got nothing, that's what this is what this country is built on. And this is the ultimate self-determination, when you determine how and when you're going to die when you're suffering."

"And don't you know that God is Pooh Bear?"

"I said a long time ago that Foursquare can make cities better. You have these augmented realities like Foursquare and Twitter and Facebook that provide these virtual nodes and instant feedback from anywhere, adding annotation around a physical places."