My family is pretty funny. My mother is British, so she's got a very dry sense of humor. That's where I got that from.

I really appreciate comedy a lot.

I owe everything to 'Arrested Development.' It just shows that everybody is kind of a job away from having relevance again.

I'm looking forward to playing Michael Bluth many, many more times.

The people at Netflix are extremely intelligent about the way they monitor activity on their platform.

I was very surprised to get a reading for 'Arrested Development' because it really seemed to be the opposite of that which I was known for doing.

I look at whatever the finish line is for the character and then kind of act backwards from that and play him in such a way so that that finish line is more rewarding.

I love a massage. I'd go every day if I could. I don't need to be wrapped in herbs like a salmon fillet, but I do love a massage.

Phil Spector is probably a better date than Roman Polanski.

My deal was that they would use a full-length picture of me in my underwear and a full-length picture of me all done up, and they would write about how long it took and how much it cost, because that was the whole point. It was very liberating.

When I was growing up in Terrell, Texas, I felt that it was not where I was supposed to be. I knew that I was meant for a different destination. I think that the minute I was born, there was something inside telling me where I would go, it's like energy - an intangible destiny.

The most interesting thing about acting is when you go to the dark places, that's a lot of energy. When you go to the happiest places, it's also a lot of energy.

What we do in New Orleans, man - we party!

"It’s forty kilometers through hell, sir,” said the sergeant. Mitty finished one last brandy. “After all,” he said softly, “what isn’t?"

"It is all but impossible to sit quietly by when someone is throwing salad plates."

"What would you do without me? Say 'nothing.'" "Nothing," said the Prince. "Good. Then you're helpless and I'll help you."

"Quick, name some towns in New Jersey"

"I always begin at the left with the opening word of the sentence and read toward the right and I recommend this method."

"There is no safety in numbers, or in anything else."

"One martini is all right. Two are too many, and three are not enough."

"I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed."

"It's hard to find a way forward. When you're 18 it happens in huge chunks every day, but after 20 years, growth is much more costly."

"If you didn't have some sense of idealism, then what is there to sustain you?"

"Sometimes the right thing gets done for the wrong reason and sometimes, unfortunately, the wrong thing gets done for the right reason."