"We can't turn a blind eye to the importance of the well-being of our children, and we need to pay close attention to building the future leaders of tomorrow."

"If you lose wonder, you've lost everything."

"I believe that life is about doing."

"I've worked alongside some very good directors and some not so good."

"At 11 years old, I made a very definitive decision, and my decision was that I wanted to be happy. Above and beyond anything I ever did in my life, I wanted to be happy."

"Men are different than women, and men live with - with some very difficult obstacles. I mean, a man, basically, in his true nature, is to spread his seed, and a woman is a gatherer, and that's kind of the way we're - our limbic system is set up, you know."

"I don't read much, to tell you the truth, about me, you know. I don't read my articles very much or stuff like that, but I have read things upon occasion, and some of it is true, and some of it isn't true, you know. I mean it's just the way it goes, you know."

"I never quite fit in - at least, from my own perspective, you know."

"I've been married twice. It didn't work."

"Listening is huge. Learn to listen. And it's hard: relationships are not easy; most of them don't last. I mean, when you look at what's really going on. So every day is a choice, and sense of freedom is important."

"We haven't given our brain the ability to actually analyze something clearly and appropriately before we speak and before we take action."

"I think journaling is an important, intrinsic experience, and a lot of us don't spend enough time on it."

"A fearful child cannot learn."

"I was always a performer, always on stage, but I also always believed I was going to go home, open a dance school, get married, and have what you would call a 'normal' life."

"You don't meditate once and suddenly your life turns around. What it does is it lets you train your brain to be able to become more stable in an action-oriented way."

"There's a difference between suspecting a thing and finally knowing it for certain."

"Evil is evil, and no good comes of calling it by any other name."

"United States and abroad reject and condemn violent jihad. But it doesn’t follow"

"If you catch them in an early lie, they learn their lesson and so they don’t continue to do it. But if you don’t call them on early lies, they only get worse, bigger, and more dangerous."

"Virtually everything we told you about the healthcare bill now has proven to be true, and nearly everything they told you was a lie."

"[On Obama Administration] "I've never heard any administration or any business or anybody ever claim incompetence more than this group of people,"

"Because even though I was afraid to admit I, I felt like a door had been cracked in my soul. It was a tiny opening, to be sure, but there was the hint of something new in the air, something unexpected."

"People came here for a reason, to follow their conscience, to be free!"

"It's clear to me that if we raise children with no moral compass, we are planting the seeds of our own destruction."