"God takes attendance every day."

"Maybe he thought I would run then. Maybe he thought I would be done. But I had been hurt before. I think he underestimated my ability to pick myself up and keep going. Done? Far from it."

"If you don't change, you're dead or dead inside."

"For those that think men make progress collectively, I warn you, history teaches: You couldn’t be more wrong."

"The government," he told me one night, "is there to act as a safety net, not a candy machine."

"Whatever the reason, too many are no longer willing to call evil by its name. There is no vision. And when there is no vision, the people perish."

"Hollywood, Woodstock, nor the hippie culture was the source of power of the 1960's freedom movement. God was."

"Whoever thought a tiny candy bar should be called fun size was a moron."

"For too long, the world has been focused on short-term growth and development at the expense of our long-term survival as we have depleted our natural resources at historically reckless rates."

"I think it's great for my boys to have a girl in the house, just to understand at least a little bit about what makes a woman tick - not that I can certainly figure that out, because I can't."

"You know, everyone says, 'Modeling and acting are so similar'... they say, 'It's so natural for models to become actresses because they use the camera.' I don't think of it in that way."

"I'm a very hyper person."

"When you get to experience something that is outside of your reality, it changes you."

"My intention in making a comment about the importance of breastfeeding has nothing to do with the law. It comes from my passion and beliefs about children."

"I think as mothers we are all just trying our best."

"It's unfortunate that in an interview sometimes things can seem so black and white."

"I don't think anyone likes to see a picture of themselves in a tabloid, besides a couple people who I'm not going to mention. I'm definitely not one of those people."

"I wouldn't call myself an actress, but I at the same time, if there is an opportunity... I believe in taking chances and living your life."

"I love kids. It's amazing that I have the opportunity to hang out with my stepson all the time."

"A woman can look powerful in a party, but when she arrives at home, all she wants is to feel comfortable."

"I'm a twin, I'm a Cancer; I'm always taking care of other people. I've always been the fixer in the family, the responsible one."

"When I was a kid, I never even thought about fashion. I had one pair of jeans."

"Yes, Brazil, like the whole world, stands to lose a lot in a climate-altered world. But it's also one of the major forces determining our future: It's the home of most of the Amazon rain forest."

"As consumers, we need to demand that companies sell us sustainable products that do not disregard and destroy our natural world."