"I never thought I would have an opportunity to act in the United States, and continue to expand my career outside of Europe. To be honest, my reality is bigger than I would have ever dared to dream."

"Before you sleep, read something that is exquisite, and worth remembering."

"Usually when you watch a film, you're just sort of biting your nails about things you could have done differently."

"You can have good writing, but a great actor will make it feel and sound like great writing. You can have great writing, and mediocre actors will make it feel mediocre. Without the actors, you have nothing."

"I actually like talking."

"Science fiction was never my thing. I have no interest in it."

"With any actor, if you know your character well enough, you'll know pretty much what he would say under any circumstance, or whatever situation might rear its head."

"You can't teach somebody how to be funny. You're either funny, or you ain't."

"Bill Murray doesn't do anything. He barely shows up at the movies he says he's going to do."

"I think we're going to carry the 'Ice Age's up to 'Ice Age 15,' which means basically they'll be in the present decade."

"The best thing about series TV is that everyone you work with is hand-picked, as compared to working on a film."

"Some people expect me to be funny all the time, and I'm not necessarily funny all the time."

"I don't really have a lot of fun playing just straight good guys. It's not my thing. It's like Tom Hanks territory."

"If you see me doing a new stand-up special, it probably means I've been out of work for a while."

"I really want to do a western film. It's one of my favorite movie genres of all time."

"I remember 9/11; we had 'Comics Come Home' about a month after those events. That night, even the comedians were concerned. Would the audience be ready to laugh? It was a release for everyone."

"There's no male Oprah."

"In addition to my cousin, there were 30 or 40 guys I grew up with who became firefighters as well. So, I've been around firefighters all my life."

"If you're over 52 years old and you're on Facebook, do us all a favor and log off now."

"I'm a huge Kevin Youkilis fan."

"I really, really like 'Eastbound & Down.' It's one of the few things that makes me laugh."

"I spent a long time working in the movies to figure out that kind of acting and also how to write and produce for the screen."

"Where I grew up, the basketball courts were rarely used."

"I'm a lapsed Catholic in the best sense of the word."