"Every day I try to do breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga. These things sound awfully cliche, but they help me slow down and try to point to a truth."

"You can't just wear the food chain around your neck like a bauble or necklace. You're part of it and if you keep treating it with disdain, that chain will strangle you."

"You can't control your mind. Why would you want to?"

"Feelings come and go, unless you don't feel them. Then they stay, and hurt, and grow pear-shaped and weird."

"It was a uniform that signified that one was a kind of downtown aesthete; not necessarily nihilistic, but a monk in the bohemian order."

"Music resonates in so many parts of the brain that we can’t conceive of it being an isolated thing. It’s whom you were with, how old you were, and what was happening that day."

"Simplicity is a kind of transparency in which subtle nuances can have outsize effects. When everything is visible and appears to be dumb, that’s when the details take on larger meanings."

"Some of you people just about missed it"

"Years ago I was an angry young man I'd pretend that I was a billboard standing tall by the side of the road I fell in love with the beautiful highway"

"Patience is a virtue but I don't have the time."

"When everything is visible and appears to be dumb, that's when the details take on larger meanings."

"Music isn't fragile."

"Stop making sense"

"As music becomes less of a thing--a cylinder, a cassette, a disc--and more ephemeral, perhaps we will begin to assign an increasing value to live performances again."

"To some extent I happily don't know what I'm doing. I feel that it's an artist's responsibility to trust that."

"The better a singer's voice, the harder it is to believe what they're saying."

"You may say to yourself: "Well, how did I get here?"

"For years we have been taught not to like things. Finally somebody said it was OK to like things. This was a great relief. It was getting hard to go around not liking everything."

"The more you know, the more you know you don't know and the more you know that you don't know."

"I'm just an advertisement for a version of myself."

"Things fall apart, it's scientific."

"I like a good story and I also like staring at the sea-- do I have to choose between the two?"

"The two biggest self-deceptions of all are that life has a 'meaning'and each of us is unique."

"I don't care how impossible it seems."