"I really enjoy taking an outdoor shower."

"A lot of times passion projects or films are difficult to make because they don't have proven directors attached to them."

"I drive an electric car."

"Actually, I have an interest in finishing my Ph.D., but I just know I never will."

"When I grew up, I was in Manhattan the whole time. But my kids have been all over the world."

"I'm very proud of my Scottish blood."

"I don't make decisions based on money."

"I'm turning into a stricter dad."

"In the U.S., oddly, we have images of men as arrogant and aggressive."

"I think we all choose our style from the ether and whatever is out there."

"I enjoy trying to figure out the best way to compliment the picture and not overpower it."

"I don't want to know what happens in any movie that I go to see."

"I don't believe in a conspiracy to hide the existence of extraterrestrial life."

"Without whining and without making myself a tragic figure, there is no replacement for the loss of your privacy. It's a huge sacrifice."

"I mean, there's chemistry in life and there's acting chemistry. I'm not saying they're the same thing, but they're as mysterious."

"I had to work in one of the most beautiful ski "resorts "in the world for almost three weeks. Pity me."

"I love animals and I love working with them because they don't lie."

"I had a fear that I'd be typecast, but I don't really have that fear anymore."

"I don't like watching people work if they're making art."

"It's hard to find scripts that know what they are from page one to page 115."

"I enjoy comedy and I hope that people enjoy watching me do it."

"I envisioned that as my life: staying in academia to make a living and then taking summers off to write my novels."

"I understand the self-loathing and the resentment, and the discipline that it takes to sit down in front of a typewriter or computer every single day, whether it's going well or not going well."

"I never thought about the actors on television or film, like what kind of life they had."