"You go to a festival, you know you're not going to play all new material at a festival. The audience is not there for that. I've made that mistake, but you find out pretty quickly."

"Sometimes I write stuff that strangely predicts what's going to happen in my life."

"When things get so absurd and so stupid and so ridiculous that you just can't bear it, you cannot help but turn everything into a joke."

"Physical contact is a human necessity."

"I'm not suggesting people abandon musical instruments and start playing their cars and apartments, but I do think the reign of music as a commodity made only by professionals might be winding down."

"I couldn't talk to people face to face, so I got on stage and started screaming and squealing and twitching."

"I use a stream-of-consciousness approach; if you don't censor yourself, you end up with what you're most concerned about, but you haven't filtered it through your conscious mind. Then you craft it."

"In retrospect, I can see I couldn't talk to people face to face, so I got on stage and started screaming and squealing and twitching about. Ha! Like, that sure made sense!"

"I always think the everyday is more relevant than anything too grand because we all have to deal with it."

"From what I've heard, Paris did a little bit more prep work as far as making bike lanes and all of that stuff. They really did it properly, which New York is getting to little by little."

"One of the benefits of playing to small audiences in small clubs for a few years is that you're allowed to fail."

"I subscribe to the myth that an artist's creativity comes from torment. Once that's fixed, what do you draw on?"

"I find rebellion packaged by a major corporation a little hard to take seriously."

"With pop music, the format dictates the form to a big degree. Just think of the pop single. It has endured as a form even in the download age because bands conform to a strict format, and work, often very productively, within the parameters."

"The assumption is that your personal life has to be a mess to create, but how much chaos can you allow in before it takes over?"

"We don't make music - it makes us."

"I have trouble imagining what I could do that's beyond the practicality of what I can do."

"Yeah, it's pretty hard not to be completely cynical these days."

"Television sounded really different than the Ramones sounded really different than us sounded really different than Blondie sounded really different than the Sex Pistols."

"Some artists and indie musicians see Spotify fairly positively - as a way of getting noticed, of getting your music out there where folks can hear it risk-free."

"The arts don't exist in isolation."

"All you needed was a couple of instruments and a few chords and you could be on an indie label."

"The physical sensation of gliding with the wind in your face is exhilarating. That automatic activity of pedalling, when you have to be awake but not think too much, allows you to let subconscious thoughts bubble up, and things seem to just sort themselves out. And the adrenaline wakes you up if you weren't properly alert."

"I love getting out of my comfort zone."