"Everything's intentional. It's just filling in the dots."

"If anything, a lot of electronic music is music that no one listens to at home, hardly. It's really only to be heard when everyone's out enjoying it."

"I'm no Lance Armstrong, but I do use a bike to get from place to place in Manhattan, a little bit of Brooklyn."

"My favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food."

"I resent the implication that I'm less of a musician and a worse person for not appreciating certain works."

"I don't like begging money from producers."

"I'd like to be known for more than being the guy in the big suit."

"To shake your rump is to be environmentally aware."

"You can know or not know how a car runs and still enjoy riding in a car."

"People use irony as a defense mechanism."

"It's not always been a happy marriage. I guess I wanted a quick fix."

"I ride my bike almost every day here in New York. It's getting safer to do so, but I do have to be fairly alert when riding on the streets as opposed to riding on the Hudson River bike path or similar protected lanes."

"I've been in beautiful landscapes where one is tempted to whip out a camera and take a picture. I've learned to resist that."

"Deep down, I know I have this intuition or instinct that a lot of creative people have, that their demons are also what make them create."

"On a bike, being just slightly above pedestrian and car eye level, one gets a perfect view of the goings-on in one's own town."

"People in Latin America... love America from afar and emulate America in some ways but also hate a lot of things that America does to them."

"Cycling is a joy and faster than many other modes of transport, depending on the time of day. It clears the head."

"Cycling can be lonely, but in a good way. It gives you a moment to breathe and think, and get away from what you're working on."

"The true face of smoking is disease, death and horror - not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray."

"Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence."

"From the very first, I knew that it would be so...I smiled to myself, and said, "That -- and none other."

"People who mattered could not take the humdrum world. But this was not the world, it was enchantment; and all of it was mine."

"I felt rather exhausted, and wondered, rather shocked at my callous thought, why old people were sometimes such a strain. Worse than young children or puppies because one had to be polite."

"All whispers and echoes from a past that is gone teem into the sleeper's brain, and he is with them, and part of them."