"For the moment, my life is a little schizophrenic."

"When you can bring yourself to write about it one day, you will find it all less painful. It is a catharsis of sorts, but the process can be brutal. Don’t do it until you’re ready."

"Victoria heard across the wedding reception dance floor "You're loveable"!"

"There's a lid for every pot... You Just have to find yours. -Avery"

"We are always better than before when those we love inflict wounds upon us."

"It's like some people just come through our lives to bring us something, a gift, a blessing, a lesson we need to learn, and that's why they're here..."

"Not all forms of abuse leave bruises."

"Her writing was her only escape, her only means of survival. It was a respite from a cruel world, despite seemingly comfortable surroundings."

"If you let life pass you by now, it won't ever come back. You don't get another chance"

"Sometimes, I think one should only live in the present. The past is only a heavy burden to carry with you. And yet… it’s so hard to let them go… to forget… to move ahead…"

"...maybe some people just aren't meant to be in our lives forever. Maybe some people are just passing through..."

"I don't want to have to give up me, in order to be his."

"I don't need a man to be happy. I had a great one , that was good enough. I don't expect to find another one like him, and why settle for anything less? I'm going ot be perfectly content alone.--Marya"

"There was nothing you couldn't do if you wanted it bad enough, and were willing to work hard enough to get it."

"... It's hard to make changes. Things get so comfortable and you don't want to move. Maybe it would do you good to be a little uncomfortable for a while, and do something different..."

"And the worst thing she had heard were the words he hadn't said, the fact that he hadn't loved her."

"You have more balls than a Christmas tree."

"...But sometimes life made you give up what you loved most. Sometimes there were no compromises or bargains."

"Don't make decisions out of fear. They never get yo anywhere you want to go."

"This is fusion, when two people become one. They are so close and so well suited to each other that they blend together. They merge and can't live without each other after that."

"Nothing is forever, but there's a continuing stream of people who go through our lives and continue with us... Nothing just stops and stays... But it flows on... Like a river..."

"Feelings "aren"'t sensible. Sometimes you fall in love with people who don't make sense. And the ones who do make sense turn out to be the wrong ones."

"You don't need to show off your body to catch a boy's eye. You'd best learn that early on, or you'll be bringing home the worst sort of boy."

"...there were no guarantees in life, only promises and whispers."