In the beginning of my career, everybody knew it, it was no secret that I loved the spotlight. I basked in it. And then all of a sudden, I turned into this person who was reclusive, or hiding.

In the beginning of 'Jersey Shore,' for sure, that was the real Mike. That's the Mike that I know, that's the Mike I love. And that's the Mike I strive to be every day.

The real Mike is somebody who is a positive person, a generous person. A loyal person. Somebody that's gonna help you if you call me up and say, 'Mike, I got a flat tire.' I'm there, you know?

The way you see me on 'Jersey' is a snapshot, and you can't judge from a snapshot.

I can play many roles, a guy who takes on a challenge on very short notice with potentially damaging results, if I make the wrong move... I shoot for the stars. If I get the moon, I'm OK with that.

On the 'Jersey Shore,' people got a glimpse through a keyhole of who I really am. But the world really started to see me on 'Dancing With the Stars.' I am not the best dancer. That was never my strong point. But I wanted to let people know, hey, this kid is risking a lot just to know a different side of him.

Every day when I wake up, I gotta go to the gym.

People are so happy to meet me. Stars come up and want to take their picture with me.

My license plate I did get registered, and it is S-I-T-C-H... so that's pretty cool.

If you don't go the gym, you don't look good. If you don't tan, you're pale. If you don't do laundry, you don't got no clothes.

I love being an entertainer. It's almost been a lifelong journey to find out what I wanted to do.

Everybody loves me, babies, dogs, yah know, hot girls, cougars.

I'm really grateful for all the support from my fans.

I actually love to give back.

There's enough Situation to go around.

I'm taking the name The Situation and I'm... like, I don't know, I'm turning it into The Corporation or something.

I was very proud of the 'Jersey Shore: Family Vacation' that was airing on TV.

Be confident in what you got.

As soon as someone hears the name 'Situation,' they're gonna kind of know that it's gonna be good.

You can't get girls if you can't speak to them.

I've realized what I want to do in life in that I just love being in front of the camera.

You sort of take your freedom for granted sometimes.

There are not too many places I can go without someone saying, 'Hey, can I take a picture of you with my daughter,' or whatever. I'm humble when it comes to that stuff. I never refuse a handshake or a kiss on the cheek. The fans are the ones who put me where I am today.