In a year's time, I was able to start a brand name and make it a household name. That's The Situation.

I pick my swimsuits just like I pick my women. As soon as I see it, I like it, and that's it. I get it real quick.

I love to help others that are suffering from the disease of addiction, and I'm just very, very passionate about that.

My abs are so ripped up they're called 'The Situation.'

That hater-juice is best served cold.

You can hate on me all you want to, but what can you possibly say to somebody that looks like Rambo, pretty much, with his shirt off.

I've been in love. I believe in destiny and true love.

I do like Drake's 'Forever.'

If you're looking your best, you're going to feel your best. If you feel your best you're going to act pretty charming and when you walk into the room, they're going to be like damn, who is that?

I really believe in positive energy and positive thinking and dreams and all that type of stuff.

I felt very accomplished staying busy in prison.

I was just proud of myself that, even under extreme stress and adversity, I was still able to do my job and do it well. And still able to earn an income while in prison.

I am always looking for ways to expand my brand.

On the back of my car, it says 'The Situation' in letters. It's pretty fun. I work so much, I've been blessed to be busy, but when I have time and I'm able to drive my car, which is a couple times here and there, you know, it says 'Situation' on the back of the car, and people are honking the horn and fist-pumping, and it's really, really cool.

The Situation' - my name, or my character - is known worldwide now.

I've always been in unbelievable shape.

I believe you have three loves in your life and one true love. I really do.

I have a tell-all book about where I came from, as well as a workout video.

When I first told people the name 'Situation'... they were like, 'That's the best thing I've ever heard.'

Me and my wife have a really, really strong foundation.

Every day I wake up and my popularity gets bigger and bigger.

The must haves at a Super Bowl party are women, music and some chips and dips.

Oh my God, to be a free man, to be honest with you, it's awesome. It's fantastic.

I definitely am aggressive - I'm not saying I'm not - but at the same time, I'm sweet and I'm genuine and I'm generous and I'm respectful.