Reading helps you to be knowledgeable. It also improvises your vocabulary. It's a very good habit, extremely essential.

I have never understood the reason and logic of smoking.

I have not yet got one good reason why people smoke in life!

I like writing.

I think pageants like Miss Universe give young women a platform to follow the field we want, a platform to voice our opinions and make us stronger.

At the end of the day we need to experiment and if we start being too cautious, we'll end up working with the same actors and doing the same roles. That's how people get stereotyped.

I just feel motherhood should be a happy stress-free period for all women.

As Miss Universe, I made a huge effort to keep at least some areas of my life to myself.

To be brutally honest, when you win a title like Miss Universe, your entire life turns topsy-turvy for one year.

Yoga helps one slow down the mind and focus better.

I have never really been obese.

It's important to get maximum nutrition in the mornings - that's very important. I eat healthy, nutritive stuff that is full of fibre and which fills me up.

I don't want to be seen in every second film. I don't want the audience to say, 'Oh no, she's in this one too.'

Most people think that action movies are difficult and comedies are easy, but it's actually the opposite. Comedy can be a lot of hard work too.

I think I have specialised in comedy movies. And people have liked me in them.

Pregnancy is treated like an illness in some sections of our society.

I have grown up in a house around all foodies.

I have always loved South Africa, where I shot 'Andaz' and 'No Entry.' Some of the biggest films of my career have been shot in Cape Town.

When you have a kid at home, it takes up all your time.

I make it a point to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.

I try to do justice to whatever roles I take up and it really doesn't bother me whether I am paired opposite a superstar or a newcomer.

I am a family person and relationships hold a lot of importance in my life.

Comedy is a lot of fun if you have costars who can help you perform better.

I play characters that allow me to do lot more than just be a glamorous heroine.