I want to be a great actress.

When you walk into a room and you're asking someone to give you money to finance an idea, that's never easy.

I stay up really late, even if I'm not working; I don't go to bed early.

You definitely have to find your passion in life, and then put together a plan to figure out a way to fulfill that.

I have a trainer. I love to do regular weight training, and I love to do boxing.

For breakfast, I usually like to do either a protein shake if I'm rushing out the door, or egg whites and turkey bacon are also a go-to for me.

I just feel like so many people see you do one thing and they feel like that's all you can do. It's always just do this and stay in your lane.

I have great family and friends who constantly uplift me and make me feel good about myself.

As a mom, I know how important it is for my son Kiyan to stay healthy so he doesn't miss school days.

In New York, I can be a little edgier - I'll wear sneakers, combat boots, jeans. In L.A., I don't go as far. I find myself taking more of a risk when it comes to style in New York.

Makeup is great, but you need to make sure you take it off at the end of the night - sleeping with it on is bad.

It was life-changing to be in high school and be on the radio. But it was a heavy schedule. There are some times I would work 2 A.M. to 6 A.M. and get off and go right to school. So it was really crazy but it was worth it.

There's not a single person who loves Nestle Crunch more than I do.

There are so many high-end body lotions. I just stick to cocoa butter. It works, I like how it smells, my skin is really dry and it helps with that.

In the house, I have a drawer that's just filled with Carmex. It's just my thing.

We moms are beautiful both with and without makeup, but I always love classic colors I can mix with anything.

Anytime you look good, you feel good.

If you walk out of the house and you feel like you look good, it changes the way you walk into a room. It changes your attitude and it changes your vibe.

I like to do my contour the bronzy kind of way so it is not too strong and you can see the highlights on the cheekbones. I use bronzer as my contour.

I'm all about trying to help others out there and giving the best advice based on my experiences - so if I can continue to do that, I'm really happy.

That's what's great about my circle of friends is we all really look out for each other.

I'm eating right.

I'm in the gym every day.

I think that's why I was able to go so far in my life and career - because my mom always supported me, even when I had the craziest ideas ever.