I want to expand what I do and definitely focus a little more in the acting, theater world.

There's something great about life when you can do something you enjoy.

I see myself stepping more heavily into the producing world. I like having that control, and being in control so to speak, and being part of picking great material and bringing it to life.

When I go to these auditions, I feel like I have to prove myself 10 times over... acting is a challenge.

I definitely had to take a lot of direction from stylists and make up artists and hair stylists, because I'm very much more of a sweat pants and sneakers kind of girl.

I'm very forthcoming, I'm really expressive.

I have a very strong faith in God, and I have a strong family base.

You can have a passion for something, but you still have to pay the bills.

When I moved to Los Angeles to be on the radio, there was an acting school on every corner. You can't be in L.A. and not be into acting.

The industry just hasn't been thinking outside the box when it comes to Latina women.

I actually speak Spanish fluently.

That is my priority, that my son is healthy and happy. I will do whatever I can to ensure that, and my husband is the exact same way.

I live for my son.

I love Rihanna's products from Fenty Beauty.

I refuse to take no for an answer on anything.

I definitely don't feel like I'm what Hollywood thinks of when they think of a Latina actress at all. They can't wrap their minds around it.

I think I've gotten really good at putting on lashes. I can do it with my hand while people need tweezers or something to put them on.

I love Will Smith and Jada Pinkett. You see the love, and you can see the support, and they partner on things and produce together. But she has a life, and he has a life.

There's no gift more classic and more beautiful than roses.

I was told MTV VJs have no career after MTV, and I'm like, that's never going to be me. I was always about not feeding into the negativity and proving to people that I can do more than one thing.

I went through that phase where I shaved the entire side of my head off - I actually love the way it looks, but it doesn't really work when you're walking into a room for an audition.

Marriage is hard.

Whenever I do Zoom teeth whitening my teeth 'zing' so bad. They're so sensitive. But I just put this on my toothbrush with water and scrub hard. It doesn't taste like anything and it works!

When you're in this world, you don't get to pick and choose what you go through.