A fancy lotion is always a great gift for Mom!

There's a lot of jewelry in my bag. It's great because if a bracelet is bothering me or I want a midday change, I switch to another.

I'm all about time management. I have gotten my makeup prep in the morning down to, like, four minutes. There's just not enough time in the day.

I have a lot of girlfriends. That's sort of my whole thing is, I have really, really deep friendships, more so than anybody I've ever met.

Sometimes, as an actor - and I've witnessed this with other actors that I've worked with - you don't realize that it's not all about the actor.

If you really want something, you've gotta just do it and not wait for other people to hand it to you.

It's really hard to sell a script, and it's even harder to get a movie made. It just almost never happens.

I didn't know how to throw a punch - why would I? Who knows how to throw a punch? Now I do it all the time, and it makes me feel strong.

If they want to do a 'Defenders 2,' I'm in.

What I'm doing is making sure that I have a balance, and that allows me, I think, to be a better actor and to more easily and quickly access all of the emotions on the scale. I make sure that I read a book on the weekend or read something or do my knitting or do the things that I need to do for myself, like 'Game of Thrones.' Get that balance.

The most rewarding thing is having a job that you love. It's not a luxury that everyone in this world enjoys.

I'm sort of missing that part of my brain where I look at anything as a challenge. I always have.

I don't fight for much, but when I fight for something, it's usually because I think I'm going to be right.

For me, rehearsal is very important, and I spend a lot of time doing it. Also, I work with my acting teacher for hours and hours before walking onto any set.

I kept telling people, 'I really want to do something like 'Breaking Bad,'' and then people would remind me, 'Krysten, you were on 'Breaking Bad!''

I live in Los Angeles, mostly, and have a lot of girlfriends and a full life out here.

It's hard to always be reduced to the way you look or your sex appeal or what that is.

Thematically, I like playing with the ideas of stuff that you try to bury, and you think will go away, but instead you carry it with you until it becomes crippling. And sometimes you have to look back and deal with some stuff in order to truly move forward.

I'm from a small town, a farm, a hundred acres.

I worked with my acting coach one-on-one for hours and hours, every single day for two months, before even setting foot on set or putting on Jessica Jones's clothes.

Any time you get to play or dress differently or look differently, as an actress, that's incredibly exciting.

It's hard to fight in high heels or even jeans that are too tight. You can't kick in skinny, skinny jeans.

There are a lot of times when Jessica Jones is alone in her house, and there's no dialogue. She's rough around the edges, so getting to spend that time with her and see her be vulnerable and process the weight of her world is what makes the character so likable.

I didn't want to play the wife of some guy my dad's age.