Jessica Jones is such a great part, and I do serious work on it. I feel really creatively fulfilled.

I'm an actress, and I write, and I produce stuff. I have a guitar, and I have my knitting stuff. I have a lot of things going on; I love to not ever put all my energy into one thing fully.

'Sharp Objects' is honestly one of my most exciting reading experiences.

It's exciting to originate Jessica Jones. There's obviously more freedom in that versus playing a well known character.

When you prepare for something, you can then play around; you're not as worried about remembering your lines because you already know them so well. That's where you can find the freedom. So I'm all about prep work.

It's hard to find that perfect dress that makes you feel like a million bucks. I've found a few, and I wish I could wear them over and over and over again on red carpets.

If you see a dog in a hot car, and you think that he's in danger or that he's been there for a while, it's good to speak up... Go into whatever businesses it's parked outside of, and just raise awareness about it.

If I'm not working, I don't even put makeup on.

I'm a lanky girl, naturally.

I never imagined myself playing a superhero because I don't see myself the way superheroes have been portrayed or shown to me my entire life.

My gram taught me to knit when I was little, and then I came across my old knitting tools when I was cleaning out my closets after 'JJ' season one and got right back into it.

After I've knitted for a while, I feel like I just woke up from a nap. And what's awesome is that then you have a product! You have something you made with your hands!

If someone says, 'I love 'Jessica Jones!'' I just say, 'Thanks, I love you back!'

I'm not a wallflower, and I encourage girls to live that way.

I encourage girls to lean in, use your brain, get in there, get in the conversation.

I understand the feelings of being the outcast and the loner.

I'm not conventional. I try to be raw and vulnerable and gross.

I've always lived out of a suitcase. I was in a new city every three months. When I was a model, I traveled the world, and as an actor you're traveling from movie set to movie set. So I've never been in one place long enough for anything super-bad to happen.

I've never been a fearful person. When I was growing up, I wanted to be an actress, a writer, and a musician and I never really processed that those are the three hardest jobs - I just never even processed it.

My parents actually wanted me to join the service.

I'm the only person in the entire world who has never see 'Dawson's Creek.'

I have a new little stray dog that I've had for about a month now. His name is Mikey Mohawk - he's this little terrier with a natural Mohawk. My friend found him hit by a car on Pico Boulevard.

I'm having a great time. I get to travel and see the world. And yeah, I'll have a family, because I don't want to miss out on that amazing experience, but it's not defining who I am.

I like to be stylish and edgy, but also low maintenance.