I learned that life is filled with ups and downs and it's just about how you react to them.

I think people can read authenticity and they know when you're involved and when you're just slapping your name on something.

If you smell good, you feel good, and your day's fabulous.

I've had jeans I liked a lot of things about, but then there would be one thing I didn't like, whether it was the bottom not being fitted enough or the top squeezed you too much.

If you feel good about yourself on the inside, that's gonna show to people. I don't think it's all about makeup and hair and how you dress. I think it's more of an inner thing and how you feel about yourself and that's ultimately what will shine through no matter what.

I hate chapped lips. I absolutely hate chapped lips.

There's many sides to a coin and one person can in fact do a lot of different things.

I'm always down to switch up my scents and love discovering new products.

I definitely pray.

My mom just always taught me to let people live, let people be who they are without restrictions, without limitations.

I think being independent gives you a different confidence about yourself. It gives you more power, especially in certain relationships.

Comfort is important. I wanna put jeans on and kind of forget about them unless someone is giving me a compliment on how they look. You don't want to be fussing all day, especially as a working woman or a mom running around with kids.

I carry Caress Body Wash in Tempting Whisper to clean my hands. The scent lasts throughout the day!

My grandfather was extremely dark and from Puerto Rico, but his brother had blond hair and blue eyes. There are so many different shades, and I think Hollywood has yet to realize that.

I'm a believer in finding a passion, hard work and definitely not giving up on your dream.

There's nothing like Christmas in New York.

I enjoy making people laugh and making them smile.

Whatever's meant to be, will be. I'm a firm believer in that and I'll make it work.

I feel so many times with clothing lines, they don't talk to women to see what they want.

It's just all about the multi-hyphenate now. No one's just doing one thing. Even working actors have businesses and are entrepreneurs.

Being independent opens the doors to so many other things for you.

I want to write books.

People can tell if you don't know what you're talking about.

I had to know that for me to be successful in all aspects of my life, I have to work.