I've been bouncing around from comedy to drama and TV and film.

I believe in women having a voice, being empowered, speaking up, and having ideas.

We all know what it feels like to be an outcast or a loner or to fall between the cracks. To be the target of gossip or people talking about you, or girls are ganging up on you. One minute, they're your best friend; the next, they call you on three-way.

I was totally picked on, but look at me now! I was definitely picked on by boys and girls. I was really lanky and skinny and the boys would say, 'Turn sideways and stick out your tongue, you look like a zipper.'

I'm currently single, so I want to have fun! As for what guys need to do to date out of their league, it's all about the swagger. If you have confidence, you can get pretty much any girl.

When my younger sisters were born, I was in high school and college. I was at my mom's all the time but never changed them or fed them.

I think motherhood is just about instinct.

Unless someone has walked in your shoes, you really can't judge. Everyone needs to make the best choice for their life.

My mom bought me this amazing baby-food maker, the Beaba. I steam and puree fruits and vegetables, and they last for, like, four days.

It was my first time taking a taxi with Mason. I had to tell the driver to wait because I had to get the stroller out of the car.

I don't want to judge, but I've also met women who think it's cool to be out or away from their baby, and I don't get that.

Mom always told us to wear pretty, matching underwear.

It is still crazy to me that I have two boys born on the same exact day. I really tried to not have it happen, so they could each have their day, but there was no way around it.

I just got out of a nine-year relationship. I think the last thing I probably need is anybody in my life.

I'm not a dating person.

One of my favorite things to do is go running early in the morning when everyone in my house is still sleeping. I throw on my iPod, and it's, like, my time.

My kids' doctor will quickly answer any email, even if it's 11:00 at night. That's important to me.

My mom fed us a lot of processed food when we were kids, like chicken fingers, grilled cheese sandwiches and quesadillas. I make those treats for my family, too, but I use organic cheeses and whole wheat bread and tortillas.

Sometimes, it's hard to separate manager mode from mom mode. I think, as our manager, my mom will get more emotional about situations than she would if she was just our manager.

I know my mom always likes to give the over-the-top 'wow' pieces at baby showers.

I actually hate when people open my gifts, and I hate opening gifts in front of people.

The first thing I do when I'm shopping is touch everything to see if it's itchy. I remember my mom used to put me in the itchiest clothes ever, and I was traumatized by it, so I won't wear anything itchy now.

I'm learning to trust other people to do things. My time is limited, and I'd rather be spending it with my kids.

I love and appreciate the bonding time with Mason. Nursing is surprisingly one of my favorite things.