I'm lucky in that the media is much more freelancey. So I didn't have that pressure that lots of people have if you jump off the ladder, then you get left behind.

Getting the spot of 'Blue Peter' changed the path of my life.

I have thick hair which is like Plasticine - it's mouldable. So I'll fashion it into some creation that looks presentable. I often wear it down because I have a tiny head and small face, and my hair adds volume to help disguise my pinhead.

If, as statistics suggest, millennials' diets are more plant-based than ever, and we continue to bring up our kids to eat less or no meat, the future could be bright - the future could be vegan.

No one went to the ballot box to vote for something worse than the status quo.

By fermenting tiny single-cell organisms we will be able to synthesise all manner of foodstuffs in the future, everything from pasta to eggs, fish and meat. Small tweaks in the process will enable production of different proteins used to replicate food we already eat.

Journalists know other journalists - that's the only reason my engagement made it into the papers. I don't think real people are interested - just the media, just Twitter!

Never mess with other people's kids. You will never win. It's the child's word against yours and they have parental reinforcements as back-up. You just can't triumph.

I think relaxation is escaping from your everyday encounters. You can read the words on a page and be transported to somewhere else. And the more consumed you are with it, the more you're cocooned.

A Final Say referendum on the Brexit that actually lies in front of us will give everyone a tangible and decisive vote. I and most people, Brexiteers and Remainers alike, want the same thing - the best for the UK.

My dad moved to Britain from Bangladesh in the 1960s to work as an actuary for Prudential. However, after seeing an empty retail space in Soho, he decided to open an Asian restaurant instead, despite not having any business experience.

I don't really worry about things, I'm too busy.

We rip out a perfectly good kitchen worth thousands of pounds, only to replace it with another costing roughly the same. The old one has to be disposed of, the new one had to be made. From raw materials, factory processes and transportation the extra effort is substantial. Overcomplication.

I did this show for Sky called 'King of the Nerds', which was a reality show looking for the world's biggest nerd, essentially, celebrating the geek, which is also what I'm about.

A problem shared is a problem halved, but as with so many problems affecting women - periods, menopause, post-natal depression - we often feel embarrassed, as if we're moaning or just plain wrong to air them.

When they do actually get pregnant, most expectant mothers understandably keep the whole thing a secret because of how fragile the first four months can be.

The internet creates a mask and you are talking to people who you don't necessarily know.

My parents are proof that arranged marriages can work. It is a great part of my culture but I grew up in a completely different place, so I wouldn't want anyone to arrange a marriage for me.

I guess when you're on 'Blue Peter' there's that goody-two-shoes image which people find attractive.

If you're broke and you're living on the street and you're happy, you're still winning compared to someone who is rich and depressed, because your mental wellbeing is still there.

It was daunting, giving up a regular job for a freelance world, where every day off is a day of unemployment and you are conscious you are not earning. But it was time to take a gamble and see what's on the other side.

Growing up in a Muslim family, I didn't eat pork and was tactically vegetarian at school in a bid to avoid accidentally dining on swine, a galling prospect.

Back in humanity's hunter-gatherer days, you only ate meat if you'd recently made a kill, which required a huge amount of effort, and was therefore relatively rare. There's a reason humans only have one set of incisors to rip our meat apart: we're not supposed to eat the stuff at every meal.

I don't really buy a weekly magazine but do flick through them if they're in front of me. A bit of style and a dose of gossip is just what you need sometimes.