Let's have a People's Vote to safeguard gender equality and continue the drive towards a fairer world for us all.

Mental health really is a search to be happy, I think that's what people want in life - and if you're happy you're winning.

I was mindful that clothes, objects and items had all been designed and manufactured. Thought had gone into those processes, so to mindlessly treat everything without care or as disposable was disrespectful. Things should be valued.

Most people don't go around talking about their miscarriages. It's not really something you shout about. What's more, people often feel embarrassed or even guilty about them.

Imagine owning a one million pound coin. Where would you put it? The pressure. I never even take my wedding rings off after the time I lost one for days, only to find it in a random trouser pocket.

We need to take back control of our political process. We know so much more about what Brexit will mean, and the health implications, especially for those who are already in a disadvantaged position.

West Wittering in Chichester is perfect for a short break and if I've got longer, Devon and Cornwall are my favourites places in Britain.

The thing about local government is they want to hear what local people think, but for the most part, their systems are so long, dull and bureaucratic that people only get involved when there's an issue they really care about.

My parents grew up in a village where they didn't even have running water. They are first generation immigrants who are proof that arranged marriages can work, although I wouldn't want one.

I like to wear things that don't need ironing. It seems a fundamental design flaw when clothing needs ironing. There are loads of fabrics these days that don't need ironing, so I stick to those.

I wear mascara, eyeliner, a bit of foundation and blusher. I always think lip gloss makes you appear properly made-up. Slap it on and suddenly you look glamorous.

At eight or nine I passed the exam for Notting Hill and Ealing High, a private school. I had an assisted place; I was always the one who, for financial reasons, didn't go on the skiing trip or whatever.

I'd love to rent a private villa in a resort complex with a kids' club.

I'm very open with my kids and we can talk about anything.

My parents were very strict with me when it came to boys and dating.

I don't have any limits in my life.

I've always been a girl with lofty dreams... big dreams.

Most people who actually know me know that I am a huge believer in the teachings of The Secret. The basic tenets of The Secret are Ask, Believe, and Reveive.

A lot of people with a range of styles and vocal tones make all kinds of music for all sorts of audiences. I'll be forever grateful for that.

I would never ever joke, kid, or use cancer as an excuse.

Cancer is a serious subject, one many battle daily.

I don't feel the need to say hurtful comments true or not to someone and try to bring them down. There is no good that can come out of that, nothing positive.

All I can say is I know who I am, I know what I am about and I am very blessed to have the support from my family and friends.

I want my kids to stay kids for as long as they can.