I do wear kind of like a homemade-type girdle after I had the babies, for six weeks, and I'm wrapped so damn tight for a period of time - and it makes your stomach flat as a board.

Some cosmetic enhancement is obvious. A lot of times, the people who aren't talking about it are the ones who look horrible.

I would love a nose job, but I'm scared. I would do just about anything to maintain myself.

I do Botox... I started getting Botox when I was 25 for migraines. I recommend that to anybody.

I'm very proud of all of my children.

We all make mistakes and we all learn as we go.

I feel like I'm a really good mom.

I've always enjoyed running.

I've always liked to do cardio, which is so weird.

I would definitely love 20 more sons. The mother-son connection is pretty incredible.

When you have a stroke, it changes you... It really teaches you, like, you have to live in the moment.

My first priority is my children, and when Brielle's grades were failing, I made it a big, big deal!

The people you are supposed to be able to trust the most is your family, and when that trust is broken, it's painful.

Everyone thought I was crazy when I said I have a nursing degree, but I believe I proved it.

I'm living proof that you can create your own life.

Prior to getting pregnant with KJ, I was never in sweats, but anyone who's ever been pregnant can relate to me when I say 'comfort is key.'

I like to do squats because I want my butt to be bigger.

Let me say that I would never talk about anyone's child in a negative way.

The inspiration behind 'Tardy for the Party' was first and foremost my daughter Brielle. She co-wrote the original lyrics when she was nine years old.

If it's one thing my parents did right, it was teaching me to have a good work ethic, and I plan on doing the same with my kids!

I'll never take for granted the amazing relationship me and my husband have, because I know so few are lucky enough to have that!

Dallas Austin... where do I begin? I adore him - he is one of the kindest people I know.