I'm a runner by hobby and by nature of stress relief and staying fit.

I've been bullied. A lot.

In this family, we don't see color or preference, we see qualities and hearts.

I couldn't be more proud of my eight beautiful children and wouldn't change anything about them or their heritage.

I am not willing to comment in public on the custody discussions regarding my children. What I will say is this: I am and always will be a mother first, but as a single working mom I will do everything necessary to provide for my kids despite the opinions of others.

The fact that people really support me and want the kids and I to do well... is flattering.

I want to be out there learning from others, helping to provide insight whenever I can, though I don't consider myself an expert on anything.

I take the constructive criticism only.

Every day I hear from women across the country who have incredible stories but are overwhelmed with their lives, asking me for advice on everything from potty training to organization. None have asked for dancing advice, however.

I am a working mom and cameras are on me, so people catch me traveling or working.

Everybody in life says things at times that they regret.

I've really learned to watch what I say.

The honest truth is I care so much less about my hair than everyone in America, obviously.

I'm married to my kids and my career.

Contrary to popular belief, I really enjoyed my time on 'Dancing With the Stars.'

I've had a tummy tuck - we all know that.

We were in the position after our sextuplets were born that we could not pay our bills. We did the show to provide a better life for them.

When you've left your children and their mother unable to pay for the roof over their head, it's not acceptable.

Once you're a saver, you're always a saver. At the end of the day, it's more money in your pocket.

I'm raising kids who are going to scrutinize people inside and out.

Somebody emailed that to me a bit ago saying there was going to be a Kate Gosselin wig. I thought, 'Wow, is that really what my hair looks like?'

I am a mother first. I will always be a mother, and I would die for my kids if need be.

Let's face it - being a nurse, a single mom of eight kids, I would not be able to provide for them in any way shape or form.

I struggle with perfection.