You know, when you look carefully at stuff that you deal with everyday, applying a little creativity to it and thinking outside the box, it's amazing what you can do.

You know, dealing with effects, as a job it's great, but with 'Mythbusters,' the stuff we've seen, the stuff we've absorbed over the years, has just been fantastic, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

There are times when we're testing an actual explosion, and then there are times when we blow stuff up just because we can.

We really do prefer to build things rather than destroy things, believe it or not.

I'm like a race horse attached to a freight wagon.

Is there some situation where square wheels would be better than round wheels? Sure! A round wheel has a pressure point directly under the tire. A square wheel's corners are going to bite and propel you forward. The square wheel could be superior on snow or mud or sand.

I really didn't think this was going to be a success. We did the first three episodes and I said to Adam, 'I can't see this going anywhere. I've already used up all my urban legends.'

We've got a great deal of respect for each other on camera as well as off, no matter what it might occasionally look like.

Over the years, we've developed a respect for each other in the roles that we play and we rely on that difference to recreate clarity for the audience.

I'm a little suspicious of using microwaves.

Algae are such basic, simple organisms.

Now that I'm not a puppet for some director, the Hyneman is free to explore the world at large.

After working as a charter boat captain and dive master in the Caribbean for a number of years, I decided it was time for a change.

I think it's probably safe to say that continuing our onscreen relationship in front of the camera is probably not happening. I expect Adam may well pursue things in front of the camera, but I'm most likely not. It's not who I am.

At its core, what we do in 'MythBusters' is turn science into an adventure.

I grew up on an apple orchard with a lot of surrounding wooded area, and I ran everywhere. I was outside all the time climbing trees.

I love Tim Curry as the Devil in 'Legend;' the prosthetics that are on him are so over the top sensually evil, and Tim takes full advantage, is just oozing with the role. The makeup and prosthetics, and his character are seamless.

When I'm problem-solving with something, I have, effectively, a CAD program in my head that's like a room that has specific qualities to it that I go to some deal of effort to populate. Textures and smells, something like that.

I was approached to do 'MythBusters' in 2002. I didn't think it would go anywhere, but I guess anything can happen if you wear a funny hat and have lots of facial hair.

I'm developing some new kinds of robotic firefighting vehicles to help with the massive forest fires we're dealing with in the West.

For four years, I worked as one of the general shop crew on movies like 'Naked Lunch' and 'Arachnophobia.' I made lots of bugs.

In my case, the only thing to note is if I show up at home at an unusual time, it's cause for raising my wife's blood pressure because it only happens if... usually that involves stitches.

We're these guys that are very tech-savvy, so people tend to expect us to say our favorite gadgets are thing like the latest iPhone or the latest app or something like that. Adam is pretty much like that. As far as myself, I'm the kind of guy that tends to go for the absolute simplest things.

A lot of mythology surrounds British inventor Geoffrey Pyke. He supposedly made people come to his bedside to see his designs because getting up and getting dressed took too long.