I'll always be an Essex girl at heart but I've matured and I've evolved and with my work I'm in the West End all the time.

I'm not apologetic for who I am.

People just can't believe I'm a big girl and I'm successful.

To be honest, I don't mind Jason Gardiner, I've always found him amusing.

There is only one GC, so whoever does end up with me in the end is a very lucky person.

At the end of the day, there's always going to be younger, prettier girls but I know what I bring to the table.

I want to travel the world.

I've always dreamed big.

I've always really loved nature, I did a lot of horseriding as a young girl.

I could grow my own patch, make some apple pies and start selling them at the local country fair.

There's criticism, and there's calling someone a fridge.

I am Gemma Collins. I don't have to answer to anyone about my fashion choices.

I constantly know that showbiz is going to be short-lived, you have to grab every opportunity as well as you can.

I'm not one of these average reality people that are permanently doing Instagram posts, I break the mould, I break the Internet.

I've not forgotten where I came from but I've grown and I've evolved and that is the secret to being a reality star.

I've heard Simon Cowell is awake all through the night... To be honest that is when I get all my work done.

I have a half an hour window that if I don't go to sleep in that time frame I am up all night.

I've been having singing lessons whenever I can fit them in.

When I'm ready, I'll have a baby - and I will love that.

I treat people throughout the year, my mates with children, every time I see them I give them 40 quid, or I go to Amazon and get them a gift- no one goes without.

I walk around like I'm a billionaire, I believe in the universe, I never worry about money and that's why money comes to me.

I love directing as I've got such a fantastic, a creative mind.

Food became my coping mechanism and I've never been able to break that cycle.

I think I'm a witch because I'm very connected to nature.