I have endured pain and suffering in my life, things haven't always been easy, I have suffered. And now I can help people in their lives.

Ever since I was a little girl I've had this affinity to connect with spirits and talk to them.

I personally need my own tunnels.

I don't stumble at any hurdle.

When I go to the shopping centre, I'm not the GC. I'm just there with my mum.

There was something in my brain when it came to exercising - my stomach would churn, my heart would go and beat funny. I'd be like: 'I just don't want to do this.'

I'm not a presenter - I'm a star.

I absolutely love 'TOWIE.'

I love the fact that TV enables me to help other women.

I've only got to see an animal on TV and I start screaming. I don't like the feeling of claustrophobia either.

I hate heights and I hate every single creepy crawly going.

After six years of doing it, the weird thing on 'Towie' is that we can't explain to people that we're famous. We're doing a show where we have to act like normal people.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with a bit of glam, but do you know what? I'm not bothered about getting a reservation in the latest restaurant.

I probably felt more beautiful before I went on TV. 'Cos I get so much criticism now.

Just think Beyonce on ice, honey. That's me.

I'm here for a reason and I think it's to reach out to people - whether that's to give people a little bit of confidence if they're having a terrible day, or to give them advice, or just to make them laugh.

I try not to bring any attention to myself.

We did not have a toaster growing up. I never knew what a toaster was, it was only as I got older, we got a toaster.

I had a happy childhood, I didn't know about money then.

My parents were very strapped for cash when we were growing up.

When I first became known in public I was sent off to bootcamps. I was thrown into all this madness of weight loss and weight gain.

I've been in gyms before and people have recorded me on their mobile phones and uploaded it on Facebook and said: 'Look at this fat pig,' which has been really traumatic for me to see.

I would love to have a child. It would be great for me and such a positive message for all the girls out there who don't want to rush their life or their life has taken different a direction, like me who's put their career first.

I do like exercising. It makes you feel good and gets the endorphins going. So I decided to do low impact exercise and exercise I enjoy.