I am slim but I've got a lot of wobble! I wear tight clothes and it holds it all in but genuinely I'm covered in cellulite - that's why I almost never wear skirts.

Compared to somebody who goes to work every single day in an office from nine til six, I'm lucky. I see my kids every day, I get a lot of time with them.

I like to wear jeans, Converse and a sweater, so from the back I can sometimes look like a boy!

There's nothing worse than someone saying 'wear this' and it not being you.

I'm just not a glamourpuss dollybird.

I had a blonde perm when I was a teenager.

Having the chance to model was completely unexpected. I wasn't very girly, but it was an adventure and it changed my life for ever.

I took on 'What Would Be Your Miracle' because I wanted to do something far removed from 'Big Brother' and 'The Voice.'

In a parallel universe I am delivering babies or working on a children's ward. TV was my plan B really - plan A was always medicine.

I don't deprive myself. I eat chocolate most nights and if there's a cake knocking around I'll have it. And I do like Nando's.

I eat a healthy diet and try to be gluten-free - my body functions better without it.

I couldn't believe my first job at the BBC was going to be a primetime show. I was baffled at first: 'Are you sure you've got the right Emma?!'

I have one friend who I don't think has a mean bone in her body and I find that very bizarre. I can't imagine her ever flying off the handle, whereas I will.

Nobody wants to hear horrible things about themselves.

When I was 18 I went to Australia for work and I remember an agent telling me I was too fat. I wasn't fat, or heavy - or even skinny, I was just normal with a round face.

I think what you get with the voice is that people can actually sing. The entertainment you get is not only from the contestants but also from the coaches.

I really rely on knowing how to apply make-up properly, rather than slapping it on and hoping for the best.

If anyone says, 'Does anyone have any ideas on this?' I sometimes think, 'I'm not going to say that because it's stupid.' But now I'm like, 'Actually, I can have an idea and if it's not right, it's not right.' I'm a grown adult and I'm allowed to have an opinion or an idea.

My only opinion on childbirth is not to have an opinion, and not to judge. We're all different and anything can happen when it comes to labour: you just don't know until you get there.

Social media can be incredibly damaging for impressionable people.

I enjoy getting older, because people take you more seriously.

I wanted to work in a hospital because that's what I knew from my mum's career.

The first time I did 'The Voice,' I was honestly terrified. You're with Tom Jones and Will.i.am, seriously mega-talented people, and I felt like I was winging it. Then you realise everyone is in it together.

I am very lucky to do the things I do like - do a clothing line for Next and go live out a life I always thought I would have.