I will allow myself guilt-free time, because I don't do very often and it's allowed. It's healthy for your mind.

I know we both have very unusual jobs, but we manage just like any other parents.

I just want to live as long as possible because I have three children and a husband that I don't want to leave.

Seeing what midwives do on a day-to-day basis - you really have this renewed respect for them.

I see my parents getting older and I think 'How can I prevent what is going to happen to me?'

I hydrate my legs by mixing a body oil with moisturiser and I apply it evenly all over my legs to seal in moisture. For a special occasion I might have a spray tan, which gives my skin a nice glow.

I have a bit of a dodgy back so I'm trying my best to to keep it strong. Lots of squats and dead lifting.

I do all over body workouts, HIIT classes, boxing and lots of leg and back work.

Being 40 and pregnant with my third child, it's no surprise that the cellulite on my legs got out of control.

Sometimes our date nights are just spontaneous.

I was about to get on a plane and take my husband away for his birthday, I thought oh I have tummy ache. I went into A&E and they said 'oh, you need surgery,' it was really weird - it was appendicitis.

I always like to have a few wardrobe options to try to see what I feel best in on the day and so preparation is key - it could be trousers, a dress, or I do love a skirt and top, so I have to be prepared.

The biggest thing I have learnt is not to overdo make-up - less is more.

When you've had kids it gives you confidence - you think, 'I'm a mum. I'm not scared. If I can raise a human being, I can do this.'

On 'Voice Kids' we were always so conscious to really take care of the kids and their families throughout the process. But to be honest the kids took it more in their stride.

The main thing going through my head when I step out onto any show is: 'Don't mess it up, Emma, don't mess it up.'

My main thing is being comfortable and looking like myself. But to be honest, what I wear is pretty much the last thing I think about.

I won't wear anything very short. I don't do that thing.

I don't believe in telling girls to mess with their bodies. Be healthy, be happy, be a decent person, enjoy yourself - that's more important.

I've got the recognised care certificate, which everyone has to achieve to be able to get a job in a hospital. So, I've got a backup plan now!

I think having been a pregnant woman, or having just given birth, you are just so thankful for any help you can get immediately before and after.

I always say to my friends that are pregnant, I'll be there don't you worry, everything's going to be ok, if you're with me you'll be fine.

Even when I was a model, I was like, 'How am I doing this?' I think it's partly that I've grown up in a normal place, living a very normal working-class life and this doesn't happen to people like me.

I was always a shy kid.