If I was 10st, I would look highly unattractive - it would be damaging to my body.

I am as I am, and I ain't gonna apologise for it.

I can remember I lost three and a half stone weight loss. It was painful, it was excruciating, it was hell. I had to exercise eight hours a day. It was very tiring, very exhausting. I came away seeing exercise as punishment.

I take no notice of trolls because my bank balance is growing and growing and growing and growing - they can troll me all they want.

I believe there are lizards living amongst us. Do these humans who appear to be humans and look like us and act like us, go into the tunnels where their human faces, their human bodies - do they retract back into being lizards when they go into the tunnels?

I'm always surrounded by crazy people, but when I come back to the country I'm into my plants, I love gardening, I love bird watching and I absolutely love nature.

I've been so lucky with everything that has happened to me.

I can do Tarot cards and all that.

I'm a massive fan of the dictionary.

I bought myself a bike in isolation and a helmet and I love it. It's built my confidence up because not everyone is confident in exercise.

I see ghosts all the time, all the time.

I think it's acceptable to eat custard on Sundays.

What do sharks do on Monday mornings? They get up and start biting. That's me.

I feel like I know myself, who I am, what I'm doing. What I'm good at and what I'm not good at.

While I was living in New York a friend and I flew to Miami and travelled through a storm. I could see lightning strikes through the window. I grabbed my friend's hand tightly and kept repeating: 'We're going to die! We're going to die!' Thank goodness he was there as I don't know what I'd have done if I was on my own.

I'm a terrible skier and snowboarder but I still love it. But I also love lying around in the sun, eating good food and doing nothing.

I've always thought doing 'Strictly' would be amazing. they all look so incredible at the end, but the hours you have to put in are insane.

It wasn't love at first sight with Matt - we were friends at the beginning, and our friendship developed.

I think you can always learn from a little bit of negativity.

I'm a very positive person, but I'm a realist too.

I always worry that there's not going to be another job.

I would love to take care of myself and look like Victoria Beckham every time I leave the house. But for me that is not realistic.

I love John McCririck. Not a lot of people say that! Part of his misogynistic ways are very real, but part of it is a little act.