I was a sucker for glamorous women in shoulderpads eating fancy things like eggs benedict.

When I want to feel especially grateful, I think about the early days dressing up as an orange for Fruit Awareness Week.

I'm confident without make-up on and I only wear it for work.

I'd like my children to remember all the cuddles and bedtimes, and that I worshipped them unconditionally.

Top-flight football players are a strange bunch.

I like cookery shows much more than my husband, so I put them on the minute he goes away.

I used to spend hours reading the Sunday papers, but then I had 900 children so I don't any more.

If you asked 100 women on the street who they'd like to be, I'm sure most of them would say Kirsty Wark or Germaine Greer. Yawn. Do me a favour - they're lying.

Left to their own devices, men would wear trainers with a pair of stonewashed jeans and would think nothing of throwing on a donkey jacket.

I still have to stand on a box to post a letter.

I don't think I'd get employed if I did pastel eye and a side parting. People would say: 'Get someone else for the job!'

I prefer to stick to my old-lady goth/Steve Tyler look. I've found my look - white lipstick, black eyeliner, black clothes.

I make a good roast chicken.

I always have eyeliner in the house. There might be no bread, we might be out of milk, but there's always eyeliner.

I don't have any secrets; I don't believe in secrets.

If a straight man dresses well, chances are he's not straight.

I loved 'Life is Beautiful' and action films are great, like 'Die Hard.' My favourite is the mob film - 'Goodfellas,' 'The Godfather,' 'Once Upon a Time In America,' anything with Robert De Niro in it.

I don't work very hard. I dye myself orange and I read out loud in the months from September to December when 'Strictly' is on.

I've never felt the need to show that I am either clever or tall because I'm not.

Being hummed at by someone with magic hands while they knead your neck is good for the soul, but it won't make you giggle for days afterwards. In fact, the second the smiley therapist stops and says, 'You can put your robe on now, the hour is up,' the joy and wonder sort of leaves the room.

Men fill up their heads and drawers and sheds with stuff from their teenage years.

You've never met anyone who likes Christmas more than me. I go quite Liberace. My kids have all got stick-on antlers.

I really like Jon Snow in quite an unhealthy way - he's got a jaunty tie and a fast brain.

There's no doubt a bit of chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce with a side order of garlic mash will put a smile on your face.