On his first full day in office, Mr. Trump insisted that his inaugural crowd was the largest ever, a baseless boast that will likely set a pattern for his relationship both to the media and to the truth.

In many ways, anti-anti-Trumpism mirrors Donald Trump himself because, at its core there are no fixed values, no respect for constitutional government or ideas of personal character - only a free-floating nihilism cloaked in insult, mockery, and bombast.

If a university announced that henceforth, it would be offering a three-year bachelor's degree, in one stroke it would cut the cost of a college education and provide a distinctive way of competing for students - as well as put the institution on the cutting edge of reform.

Ronald Reagan believed in America as the shining city on the hill - Morning in America. But Donald Trump has a much different vision of American greatness, of nationalism - a much darker view, I think, of the world.

I'm not usually absolutely speechless.

During dull moments at school, I admit, I not only drew soldiers shooting one another but also tanks, bombers, fighters, and even the occasional space ship with planet-destroying powers.

Why 'Do Bronx'? Because I'm from the slums, those are my roots.

Actually, 2016 wasn't a good year for me, as I didn't get any wins. But I started to feel things would get better when I found out about the pregnancy. I'm very happy, this is a new chapter of my life and I'm sure I'll win and dedicate it to my daughter and my family.

Kevin Lee is really tough. He has some flaws in his game that we can work with. I think he mixes up his boxing and his wrestling really well. He takes you down, he unleashes some strong ground and pound. However, he usually starts a round strong and then starts to fade. In five rounds, I think I can take an advantage of that.

Everybody knows where I come from and how my jiu-jitsu is, training at Macaco Gold Team, but I also work on my striking at Chute Boxe Diego Lima, so I'm prepared on the feet and on the ground.

My friends joke that I'm a young veteran in the UFC.

I think I have to go down to featherweight. That's where I should stay, where fights will be more equal.

Lightweights are heavier and bigger than me. I walk around 166 pounds, and other lightweights come down from 198, so they are stronger than me.

I fought three opponents in one night two or three times, but never five rounds.

I've been fighting in the UFC for five years now and it's about time I'm headlining a card.

The new trend in MMA is to talk trash and curse to get a fight, but I'll never change who I am.

I'm an employee, I work for the UFC.

Anything you do in your life, you have to be a professional.

I'm staying lighter because I want to go back to 145.

Becoming the guy with most submissions in UFC history at age 28, breaking Royce's record, will definitely give me more leverage with the UFC. I'll get more attention and more sponsors. It helps a lot.

I don't think about winning a bonus, I think about putting on a good fight and, if God blesses me, I will win the bonus.

What's important is to be fighting in the UFC. It doesn't matter if it's the first or last show.

I know I can beat everyone that defeated me.

Anthony Pettis, he's a really tough fighter and it was a close fight until I made a mistake and gave him the neck.