Accessorising is the best way to make an outfit more unique.

I'm obsessed with Stevie Nicks and I think she's awesome - everything from her music to her style.

I grew up in a small house with just my mam and felt quite lonely at times.

We can do things and not be the best. Maybe you were late to work but by god at least you got to work. You may not have the most productive day but well bloody done for getting out from under the duvet.

Health is not just a physical thing for me anymore - there is a huge mental side as well.

Dave Grohl is my favourite musician ever because I was a massive fan of Nirvana. I really admire him because he can play so many different instruments.

We can be kind to others and kind to ourselves - and what anyone else decides to do is up to them. We can just be responsible to ourselves.

If you have any platform and a voice, I think it's important to use it.

It can be easy to want to host everyone at once, but when it comes to virtual dinner parties - the smaller the group the better.

The tango reminds me of movies.

There's a lot of insecurities and I think that's being human. There's highs and lows and it's about navigating through that.

I love Caitlin Moran, because I feel like she's a friend, or a friend I want to have at least.

I didn't know what a boy was until I was about 18. I wasn't in the cool group at all. We weren't cool, but we weren't nerdy enough to be picked on. So we were just in our own little bubble.

I've been in a room with Britney Spears and she's lovely. I remember thinking, 'You're just this vulnerable girl who got a lot of fame very fast.'

I used to care too much what people thought.

I'm jealous of the 'Love Island' girls. I wish I was that confident.

I've been very lucky that I've interviewed so many different people.

My top tip for looking your best is to dress for yourself, not for anyone else. Even working with a stylist, I wouldn't wear anything she told me to wear unless I was comfortable with it myself. That said, it's good to push yourself out of your style comfort zone every so often to make sure you try new things.

What Irish person doesn't love the Eurovision?

No one escapes the teenage years without a lot of challenges. I had many. I was awkward. Petrified of boys.

I have no time for fad diets.

I don't like my bum, as it's too big. Or my nose because it's too small. It's like a child's nose.

I love doing live TV.

My mum and dad are great mates.