It's really nice to see something come full circle.

I love candles and creating a homely space.

I've always known I bruise like a peach.

Baking is my favourite.

I have always loved dancing. I am always that crazy girl on the dance floor, dancing by herself.

The likely scenario is that we'll wear down even more by the end of the day, and that's actually the best thing that could happen, ... A slight pop by the end of the day won't move us out of this range. You want it to get down enough that the sellers get flushed out and we set a tradable low, then maybe you can see a summer rally.

I flew out to D.C. to see the guy who did my other surgery (on his thumb last year). It was in my best interest to have it done now. They said if there was a month or maybe two months left in the season, I'd be fine.

I'm real comfortable running the point. I like to move around. He'll definitely get space and open looks (when they are out on the floor together) because it puts pressure on the defense. He's one of the best shooters in the league.

They insist we eat with them and the pork, chicken and beef dishes is the best I've ever had.

It's the best girls I've ever played with in all my life. I love playing with them. We all know each other's game.

These (soldiers) are trying . . . to do their best for their country. They know (the graft is) going on, and they're powerless to do anything about it.

There are always best and worst case scenarios and we don't know at the moment just when he will be back.

We are a club that is on the up and we have no intention of selling our best players.

You kind of have to do what's in the best interest of your district and your students, and I understand that. We're going to do what we've done in the past. We're pushing forward like normal.

That was just an amazing game. I think it's the best one I've ever been a part of.

That was my goal -- to stay on top of him, ... make it tough for him and really not let him get off. I did my job the best I could.

Pitching was our strength. We had two 12-year-olds (Kyle Hughes and Ryan McCarthy) who were just dominant. Pitching and defense is what carried us in the playoffs, and the kids played their best when it mattered most.

I think we have the best two teams in the state.

I was sat at home watching it and thinking that I have missed the best game in Northern Ireland's history,

It has been just awesome playing with these guys. I can't really describe the bond we all have, but day-in and day-out all we wanted to do was win. It didn't matter who scored or was getting the publicity. We all just wanted what was best for the team. There was so much talent on one team that people doubted we could put it together. Well, we did, and nobody can ever take that away from us.

I do know when my body is ready or when it's going to perform best for me.

The game's at home and you're tied. It's not a save situation. I thought (Fuentes) gave us the best shot to get to the ninth and score a run.

He's not making his best pitches in traffic in his three starts so far. That's the next step for him.

He's strung together probably two of the best games in the big leagues.