I always remember my mum and dad arguing a lot and one main reason was lack of money. I realized very young that I always wanted to make money so I'd never have the same arguments like my mum and dad.

I always remember my mum and dad arguing a lot and one main reason was lack of money. I realized very young that I always wanted to make money so I'd never have the same arguments like my mum and dad.

I came from a very lower-working-class family in Torre del Greco.

I came from a very lower-working-class family in Torre del Greco.

The problem that people have is that they eat too large portion sizes. Italians have been eating pasta for hundreds and hundreds of years, and we've never been an obese nation. We do the pasta, the pizza, all the cheeses, but it all has to do with how much you eat.

The problem that people have is that they eat too large portion sizes. Italians have been eating pasta for hundreds and hundreds of years, and we've never been an obese nation. We do the pasta, the pizza, all the cheeses, but it all has to do with how much you eat.

My favorite breakfast that is nutritious and very quick to do is eggs. Of course not everyday because that's not good for you, but I like to have eggs in the morning at least three times a week as it gives me a lot of energy.

My favorite breakfast that is nutritious and very quick to do is eggs. Of course not everyday because that's not good for you, but I like to have eggs in the morning at least three times a week as it gives me a lot of energy.

I'm the kind of guy who can't stay still.

I'm the kind of guy who can't stay still.

My wife is a very clever woman. She knows when to say something and when to bite her tongue.

My wife is a very clever woman. She knows when to say something and when to bite her tongue.

I like women. I enjoy the company of women. What's wrong with that?

I like women. I enjoy the company of women. What's wrong with that?

I am still around too many Italian people to start speaking like a guy from London. I live in Italy for six months of the year, all the people in my restaurants are Italian and it means that when I speak, it is always with an Italian accent in my head.

I am still around too many Italian people to start speaking like a guy from London. I live in Italy for six months of the year, all the people in my restaurants are Italian and it means that when I speak, it is always with an Italian accent in my head.

My only ambition was to have a restaurant and bring real Italian food to this country. Television was never even part of my idea, so I can say without hesitation that I am living someone else's dream.

My only ambition was to have a restaurant and bring real Italian food to this country. Television was never even part of my idea, so I can say without hesitation that I am living someone else's dream.

Everything changed for me when my first son Luciano was born. That moment makes you realize you are not here by yourself any more and it is an experience that changes you.

Everything changed for me when my first son Luciano was born. That moment makes you realize you are not here by yourself any more and it is an experience that changes you.

With me and my family, we have nothing to hide.

With me and my family, we have nothing to hide.

My favorite pizza is the real Neapolitan - Italian sausage, friarielli, mozzarella and chilli.

My favorite pizza is the real Neapolitan - Italian sausage, friarielli, mozzarella and chilli.