I'm the king of napping. I can nap and I snore. Then I wake up, go to the toilet, wash my face, have a coffee and it's like a brand new day.

I'm the king of napping. I can nap and I snore. Then I wake up, go to the toilet, wash my face, have a coffee and it's like a brand new day.

The problem many people have with Italian food is they over-complicate it. Italian food is extremely simple.

The problem many people have with Italian food is they over-complicate it. Italian food is extremely simple.

People should always have a good bottle of extra virgin olive oil, a packet of pasta, tinned tomatoes and a good cheese somewhere in their fridge.

People should always have a good bottle of extra virgin olive oil, a packet of pasta, tinned tomatoes and a good cheese somewhere in their fridge.

Rome is the capital of Europe; it's as simple as that. You need to see what the Romans did 2,000 years ago. They were so advanced compared to the rest of the world. They showed us how to make roads, toilet seats, how to do irrigation, and more. When you see the Colosseum you won't believe it was built so long ago.

Rome is the capital of Europe; it's as simple as that. You need to see what the Romans did 2,000 years ago. They were so advanced compared to the rest of the world. They showed us how to make roads, toilet seats, how to do irrigation, and more. When you see the Colosseum you won't believe it was built so long ago.

Venice is incredible. Although you may have seen it in pictures, you can't grasp how beautiful it is until you visit.

Venice is incredible. Although you may have seen it in pictures, you can't grasp how beautiful it is until you visit.

If I'm feeling nostalgic, the first thing I do is open a packet of spaghetti, olive oil in a pan, garlic, a little bit of chili, a sprinkle of fresh parsley, and that's it. It reminds me of my mum.

If I'm feeling nostalgic, the first thing I do is open a packet of spaghetti, olive oil in a pan, garlic, a little bit of chili, a sprinkle of fresh parsley, and that's it. It reminds me of my mum.

I have a nap every afternoon like a little boy. Or an old man. Depending on how you look at it.

I have a nap every afternoon like a little boy. Or an old man. Depending on how you look at it.

I tell everybody that you haven't lived a good life if you haven't made a mistake.

I tell everybody that you haven't lived a good life if you haven't made a mistake.

A lot of people believe Italian food is tasty because there are a lot of ingredients. But they don't understand that the reason why it's tasty is because there are less ingredients than in any other cuisine.

A lot of people believe Italian food is tasty because there are a lot of ingredients. But they don't understand that the reason why it's tasty is because there are less ingredients than in any other cuisine.

I'm so old, I don't buy green bananas any more.

You cannot truly say you live well unless you eat well.

I love food.

Should kids check phones at dinner? I don't know. To me, that's a parenting choice.

Love food and I love to eat.

Once in a while, I'll slip and get off my vegan diet and have egg whites in the morning, that's a good source of protein while I'm out on the road. If I can feel my body starting to tire, those are good to keep you healthy.