"The child, in love with prints and maps, Holds the whole world in his vast appetite. How large the earth is under the lamplight! But in the eyes of memory, how the world is cramped!"

"Genius is childhood recovered at will."

"As a small child, I felt in my heart two contradictory feelings, the horror of life and the ecstasy of life."

"There are vivid memories from my childhood - what we had to go through because of low wages and the conditions, basically because there was no union. I suppose, if I wanted to be fair, I could say that I'm trying to settle a personal score. I could dramatize it by saying that I want to bring social justice to farm workers."

"Perhaps we can bring the day when children will learn from their earliest days that being fully man and fully woman means to give one's life to the liberation of the brother [and sister] who suffers. It is up to each one of us. It won't happen unless we decide to use our lives to show the way."

"We can choose to use our lives for others to bring about a better and more just world for our children. People who make that choice will know hardship and sacrifice. But if you give yourself totally to the non-violence struggle for peace and justice you also find that people give you their hearts and you will never go hungry and never be alone. And in giving of yourself you will discover a whole new life full of meaning and love."

"Farm workers are society's canaries. Farm workers - and their children - demonstrate the effects of pesticide poisoning before anyone else."

"To make a great dream come true, the first requirement is a great capacity to dream; the second is persistence."

"Our very lives are dependent, for sustenance, on the sweat and sacrifice of the campesinos. Children of farm workers should be as proud of their parents' professions as other children are of theirs."

"A child's mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support."

"Having a child, particularly your first child, is such a life-changing moment. Nothing can really prepare you for that."

"Some children are tackling tough times without the support that can help them because the adults in their life are scared to ask."

"I have learned that delivering the best possible palliative care to children is vital, providing children and their families with a place of support, care and enhancement at a time of great need is simply life-changing."

"No one would feel embarrassed about seeking help for a child if they broke their arm - and we really should be equally ready to support a child coping with emotional difficulties."

"Around-the-clock support is crucial for children receiving palliative care. They and their families often need help every hour of every day, both in hospices and at home."

"First-class delivery of children's palliative care is life-changing. When families are confronted with the shattering news that their children have a life-limiting condition, their world can fall apart."

"I often get asked why I decided to spend time highlighting the mental health of children."

"Imagine if everyone was able to help just one child who needs to be listened to, needs to be respected, and needs to be loved - we could make such a huge difference for an entire generation."

"Not all children have the anchor of a strong family."

"A child's mental health is just as important as their physical health."

"A huge amount still needs to be done. At the moment hundreds of children are still malnourished."

"All of a sudden I had a baby, because it went really quick. It was like, 'Oh! I have a baby!' So, it's great. I'm just having a great time with my children. They're here in New York with me."

"I never hoped that both my children would become actors. I expected them to do something else."

"Sometimes he thought that he had talked so much in the years before to his children and they had understood so little that now there was nothing at all to say."