As long as you know men are like children, you know everything!"

“All men are children, and if you understand that, a woman understands everything.”

“I might inform those humanitarians who have a nightmare of new and needless babies (for some humanitarians have that sort of horror of humanity) that if the recent decline in the birth-rate were continued for a certain time, it might end in there being no babies at all; which would console them very much.” 

To support mother and father, to cherish wife and child and to have a simple livelihood; this is the good luck.

To me nothing in the world is as precious as a genuine smile, especially from a child.

What will our children do in the morning if they do not see us fly?

There is something strangely inconsistent about a nation and a press that would praise you when you say, ‘Be nonviolent toward Jim Clark,’ but will curse and damn you when you say, ‘Be nonviolent toward little brown Vietnamese children.’ There is something wrong with that press.

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.

"Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."

Look at children. Of course they may quarrel, but generally speaking they do not harbor ill feelings as much or as long as adults do. Most adults have the advantage of education over children, but what is the use of an education if they show a big smile while hiding negative feelings deep inside? Children don’t usually act in such a manner. If they feel angry with someone, they express it, and then it is finished. They can still play with that person the following day.

Best not to look back. Best to believe there will be happily ever afters all the way around - and so there may be; who is to say there will not be such endings? Not all boats which sail away into darkness never find the sun again, or the hand of another child; if life teaches anything at all, it teaches that there are so many happy endings that the man who believes there is no God needs his rationality called into serious question..

No one ever does live happily ever after, but we leave the children to find that out for themselves.

I, an old man, greet you Japanese schoolchildren from afar and hope that your generation may some day put mine to shame.

On education: The point is to develop the childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition and to guide the child over to important fields for society; it is that education which in the main is founded upon the desire for successful activity and acknowledgment.

I know from having had a child, and from having been a child myself, that children will copy you.

Part of our tradition as black women is that we are universalists. Black children, yellow children, red children, brown children, that is the black woman's normal, day-to-day relationship. In my family alone, we are about four different colors.

I've always felt quite singular, even as a child. That I must stay on track to keep my purpose.

We must, I believe, start teaching our children the sanity of nonviolence much earlier.

According to Ethiopian custom, parents wait to name a baby because children often die in the first weeks of life.

I remember thinking quite logically that I didn't want to spoil my children with wealth and so that I would create a foundation, but not knowing exactly what it would focus on.