Fang took the entire family out for coffee and donuts the other night. The kids enjoyed it. It was the first time they'd ever given blood.

The last thing my kids ever did to earn money was lose their baby teeth.

If it weren't for baseball, many kids wouldn't know what a millionaire looked like.

My mother-in-law had a pain beneath her left breast. Turned out to be a trick knee.

I'm quite jealous of my Scottish relations, in whose culture everyone, in a Jane Austen kind of way, got married very young, when you're too young to be cynical or jaded and just started having children.

I never thought I'd end up living in Los Angeles while my children grew up in Britain, but here I am, and we are all making the best of it.

Success, and even life itself, wouldn't be worth anything if I didn't have my wife and children by my side. They mean everything to me.

Since I've had a son, I want to be around to see him grow up.

Attraction doesn't stop when a child is born. It's the opposite. Being a mum and dad makes you even sexier.

As a child, I was always drawn to heroic characters. I decided I wanted to act when I realised that Superman and all those gangsters and Indians were just real people in costume.

Now my favourite pastime is to take a bath with my son.

Creativity is the key for any child with dyslexia - or for anyone, for that matter. Then you can think outside of the box. Teach them anything is attainable. Let them run with what you see is whatever they need to run with.

I was called 'Dumbo,' like the elephant, as a child because I couldn't understand things at school.

Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children.

“When I was a child my mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you become a monk, you'll be the pope.' Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.”

I don't believe in bringing children into the world out of wedlock.

I am supposed to be, according to what I am told, one of the children of the cotton plantation owner's sons. If I could prove that, I'd own the whole goddamn everything.

When my baby was born I had to know how to save her in case she fell in the pool or something like that. I went to one of these nursing places to learn how to take care of the child.

I was an illegitimate, well, I still am an illegitimate child.

Even as a child, I found a way to survive.

If parents can pass enthusiasm along to their children, they will leave them an estate of incalculable value...

God made all the creatures and them our love and out fear, To give sign, we and they are his children, one family here.

The joys of parents are secret; and so are their griefs and fears. They cannot utter the one; nor they will not utter the other. Children sweeten labors; but they make misfortunes more bitter. They increase the cares of life; but they mitigate the remembrance of death.

The childhood shows the man, As morning shows the day.