The media needs to do some soul searching on itself and ask why they continue to spread provably false stories, and stop projecting their own dishonesty onto others.

I don't take anything Hillary Clinton is going to say at all as true. I'm not going to take her on her word.

Backing Trump has been bad for business.

I don't want anyone to think of me as a pro-Trump guy. I'm going to specifically reject any kind of branding about pro-Trump or whatever.

I pivoted from a pro-Trump guy to more of a journalistic guy, and I'm going to keep making that pivot. So whenever people think of me as, like, a pro-Trump guy, I don't want people to think of me as a pro-Trump guy anymore.

With the SEO value of Gawker, I could sell anything, including 'Gorilla Mindset' books. I would self-monetize. The way Alex Jones does it.

I know how to sell books.

In the jungle, size is king. Women like big men. That's just evolution.

There's no unifying brand about me other than I'm a writer who shares my thoughts. Sometimes my thoughts are designed to help people, and other times, my thoughts are designed to change the political system and challenge those who need a good fight.

The only difference between me and my critics is that I don't lie to the world about who I am. People are complicated and often seemingly hypocritical. Embrace the diversity of your mind.

My identity is based around being a writer. I can't not write. It's a compulsion.

People want a little excitement. I tell the truth, but I do it theatrically.

The reason that I'm so fast at what I do is - I'm not saying that I'm getting stories that nobody else has - the difference is that if a tip goes out to five people, and I know that it's a reliable source, I just tweet it out. If you're at a respectable news organization, that would be considered irresponsible.

A lot of people are afraid to lie to me.

I consider myself a writer, foremost - a nonfiction writer.

My view of the alt-right was that it was a big tent.

There's no books out there articulating what the alt-right is. If they're such great philosophers, and they have such good ideas, and they're on the vanguard of intellectualism, where are their books? They don't have any.

The alt right is a disinfo group designed to discredit Trump and to frustrate his agenda, which is why David Duke and all those guys go around saying they're pro Trump.

Nobody tells you how to be famous.

Until the Right wins for once, I have no interest in arguing with the alt-right or disavowing anyone.

The only tweets I feel bad about are the fat-chick ones.

I enjoy just the raw human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards. Twitter is just modern-day gladiatorial combat.

The Harvey Weinstein case showed us that Hollywood is rotten to the core.

If a girl you're on a date with expresses ideals similar to those expressed by social justice bullies, end the date.