I want people to know we throw real parties. We don't need more boring libertarian or conservative conferences.

Not everybody is a party boy or was a party boy like I was.

I want to do journalism on journalists. I want to do the stories on stories that aren't being told.

I view myself as having an adversarial approach to the media.

Am I a ranting maniac on Twitter? Yeah, but I'm also a pretty mellow, married guy who's into hiking and walking his dog.

I'm sufficiently complex that there's no one truth about me.

Democracy doesn't mean I always get my way. It doesn't mean we always get what we want.

Trump has hired people who have sabotaged him.

I care about national sovereignty of America.

The alt-right has become about white identity politics. Obviously I'm not a white-identitarian, so the alt-right can do their thing.

Anything with Soros, I lay low. People kind of just roll their eyes when you bring him up.

We're not alt-right, and we're not old-school, National-Review-boring Right - we're aggressive. We're in a meme world - we're in a world where you have to be catchy, punchy.

Everything I do is alchemy. That's why I believe in magic. Not black magic, not the satanic magic that they practice in Hollywood and that the deep state practices and that the media practice. I believe in good magic, light magic, alchametic magic.

You can't disbar unethical journalists.

I troll, I'm trolled.

I definitely deserve to be trolled.

Why is the Right so afraid of being called racist? Why do they attack their allies on the Right, even calling us racist?

People who hate me call me a Twitter troll, which is laughable given my extensive body of work, which you can find on Amazon in the form of books like 'Gorilla Mindset' and my documentary on free speech, 'Silenced.'

Trump... has the 'strong father' masculine energy.

I didn't have the same biases on Trump that others had. I read his books and saw a man who had a strong mindset, a track record of succeeding, and who would make strong and sometimes offensive comments as a way to get media attention.

Trump must've been an extraordinary father to have raised well-adjusted kids.

If I could push a button and get rid of all these dumb people flying Nazi flags and have them never show up - They are a big problem for the Right.

When you're telling the truth and ahead of the mainstream media - like The Daily Caller, Breitbart, Cernovich, and other truth-tellers - then they're going to think you're wrong, because they can't see what you see.

I knew my reporting would be validated eventually.