I believe in strong borders, including keeping out Islamic terrorists. If people think that's inherently racist, fine - but I'm an American nationalist, not a white nationalist.

Logic is pointless.

I'm not alt-right.

I look forward to breaking huge stories on InfoWars.

I wouldn't say all journalism is activism, but I would say most journalism is activism.

When you get things wrong in life, it is important to talk about them.

Civil rights cases are hard to win.

Antifa are the left-wing version of Nazis. They are very violent; they are terrible people. They cause a ruckus and property damage.

The new right-wing movement is a wide group of people committed to free speech, anti-war, trade. It's sympathetic to whistleblowers.

I use trolling tactics to build my brand.

I want people to think of me as a 'Mindset' guy, a journalist, a commentator, a social media personality, a filmmaker, an author, but I got to - I have to pivot so far away from anything pro-Trump, I just got to keep going that way.

The blockchain is a distributed network that solves all the problems that we have of finance, but more broadly, it's like a philosophy. It's a way of life.

I think it's great when people accuse me, almost always falsely, of promoting conspiracy theories, because that shows how effective I am at messaging and how effectively I can use social media.

I say never trust a man who combs his hair so as to cover his shiny dome and then flaunts a wife young enough to be his daughter. Oh, Trump has issues all right.

Nobody in media and journalism knows more about 'deep state' than I do.

There's tremendous SEO value in Gawker.

People bring up tweets that I don't even remember, and my general response is, 'I don't know if I said it. I probably said it.' It's just part of what I do.

Netflix is a pro-SJW business, so it pains me to give them $8 a month.

Gawker started out speaking the truth to power, and then it became about bullying anyone who didn't conform to their social justice orthodoxy. They wanted to inflict pain on people with no platform simply for the sake of inflicting pain.

I'm doing real journalism.

I never disavow things I've said.

If you're in the fake news, I'm reading your emails.

Let's be completely honest: the Trump campaign's social media was a joke.

I'm a nationalist and populist.