Scenes on phones are really boring!

I think we're in a time when people are much more interested in a show than where you find it.

I love characters who are really dedicated to a really bad plan.

When people are like, ''UnREAL' is so dark,' I'm like, 'Hahahahahahahahahaha! Wait 'til you get to 'Sharp Objects.''

Eating disorders are A) not fun at parties, and B) they're not very fun in movies.

I think my biggest problem as a creative person trying to work within a business for profit was that it was very important to me that people liked me. Over the years, observing other showrunners who made work that I so admired, I realized that that had to go. This couldn't be my first priority. My first priority had to be the work.

I had been anorexic for about five years. And I was really sick. I probably weighed about 70 pounds.

I know a lot about words. I get paid to write stories, so I get to talk with people about the meaning behind words all day.

I've grown and changed, and I'm still making television and movies that I feel really proud of.

There are certain shows or people that I would love to work with. One of the greatest things about our business is that if you get to fan out on people you might actually get to meet.

There's a brain chemistry - the floatiness and the disassociation and all the things that came with starving - I became addicted to.

I'm lucky to be alive. It's a blessing to tell my story, you know.

I'm pretty proud of my pie crust. I think I've finally learned how to manhandle it just enough.

There's no shape or body type that makes you more happy or more lovable. It's the body you're comfortable in that makes you happier and more lovable. I look around and see how women and men of all types find the love and the life they want.

I digested this value system that told me there was no one for me unless I reached a certain type of perfection. And as you get older, you realize that ideal is constantly changing.

Being an aging woman in Hollywood is no picnic.

Sometimes when I'm reading a script, I can't quite believe that this is going on television alongside cereal commercials.

For me, the interesting thing about anorexia is that you show your wound. There's no hiding it. So my anger and sense of disappointment, all the stuff I was out of touch with, became this visible rebuke to my parents.

Seeing Donald Trump run for and then win the presidency only enhanced my commitment to helping people free themselves from ridiculous body standards and disordered eating so they can use their gifts for more fulfilling things, like being of service and enjoying this beautiful world.

I think many people expend a tremendous amount of energy on self-loathing and self-flagellation as well as getting caught in a vicious cycle of dieting and gaining the weight back.

So many of the indie movies that get made are not about topics that touch millions and millions of people.

That went on for a long time: telling various tales from my experience being anorexic and bulimic, and having people say, 'You've got to write this; you are a writer,' and me not knowing how to approach the material.

I realized all the writing I love lives in the gray area.

That's a big part of the process: making the right choice from the beginning. Not getting distracted by shiny things.