I am obsessed with Neil Patrick Harris on Twitter.

The notion of this 'emergency contact' is, Do you have someone who is holding you down? Do you know where to go if you're feeling bad? I keep likening it to assigning yourself a godparent of your choosing.

Manhattan, after eight years here, still reminds me of Hong Kong. There are parts of Chinatown that are the spit and image of streets in Wan Chai, and I am held in thrall by the Chrysler building as much as I was by I.M. Pei's Bank of China Tower.

'Emergency Contact' is about the anxiousness that is inherent in meat space interactions.

The thing about leaving New York is that you can come back.

Wikipedia's a collaborative experiment akin to Simon Winchester's account of the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary in 'The Professor and the Madman,' which outlines James Murray's mission to produce the tome in the 19th century.

I find texting to be kind of a safe space.

I was born in Korea and left before my first birthday.

In order to be a good emergency contact, you need a lot of friend-patience and empathy. Often, this comes from personal experience with anxiety, trauma, and depression.

My mom is an excellent mom. She knows I am irascible, prickly, and antisocial. She knows that most human interaction makes me tired and that I either scare people away with precise invectives or trot out the fakest, nicest skinjob of myself because it requires zero effort.

Food rules. Little rivals the pleasure of tearing into a glistening burger.

You can be a sophisticated person and still have really old ideas about what love is supposed to look like.

Not proud. But I watched 'The Bachelor' only once, and I really felt, after that experience, that I could never do it again. I felt it was so morally compromising, as a woman.

Women want to watch the dark stuff.

The best feeling you can ever have when you're working on a show is that the characters are still inside you, and they have a lot left to do.

The truth is there's a difference between the competition shows where you're testing skills and the type of shows where you're trying to create drama.

I thought about being an actor, and I thought about directing, but writing truly became something I needed to do just to stay sane.

I love being in a public space where teenagers are talking. And the funny thing is that it hasn't changed that much. There's certainly slang that I'm not familiar with, but among the average teen, it's still the same.

I certainly often go to a movie and don't remember exactly what the trailer had in it, except that it looked cool.

The dream of doing what I do started with watching movies by Mr. Spielberg, like 'Close Encounters,' 'Poltergeist,' and 'E.T.' That was the beginning of my obsession.

I'm such a type A doer myself that if someone said I had a month off, I think I'd go crazy and try to organize the vacation resort!

On 'Sex and The City', when Carrie talked about money problems, I would always think, 'Sell your shoes!'

'Just' writing is every bit as important as any other creative part of a film.

Too many people will die needlessly if we go back to letting people buy junk insurance or insurance that doesn't help people with diseases related to mental illness.