I have horrible shoe hang-ups. Particularly when it comes to flats.

Never post boring back-to-back selfies.

Home is where my house pants live. And they're hideous.

I love how British people call Asian people 'oriental' unless they're talking about Indian people, who get to be called Asian.

I'm great at leaving. I am less talented at getting left, though I should be better, given how much it's happened.

I roll my eyes at the grandstanding blowhards who have 'fixed' themselves, but I keep up with the gizmos and apps that track people's various rhythms. I'm no lifelogger or body-hacker, but I'm curious, and I want to be in-tune enough to know what's really the matter so I can level up and be at my most awesome.

I always get super confused by the way we look at technology, because since when were all phone calls created equal? It's not like every text is the same or that all texts are human interactions that are compromised. I don't get how conduits somehow dictate sentiment.

Everyone is such a mystery, yet we chug along so much of the time presuming we're all on the same page.

SoulCycle feels gross, is gross, and I'm grateful to have found it.

Instagram is not a place for tone or irony.

'Awkward' is a ubiquitous teen word to denote socially unsanctioned behavior. It usually implies first- or secondhand embarrassment when you or a friend step outside the rules. Awkward doesn't sound overtly judgmental or negative; it's deliberately vague.

The first time I drank LaCroix, I half expected it to be filled with self-tanner. Or Axe body spray.

'Avatar' is staggering. It's seismic. Evolutionarily speaking, it is cladogenesis in a thunderclap.

Even the coolest jobs get stultifying with repetition, and the only way to break that cycle is to bring another job into the mix.

My sweet spot as a writer and, especially, as an essayist is sub-1500 words.

You are overwhelmed, overscheduled, and dejected because you keep trying to have it all - or at least most of it. You want a fulfilling job and personal life, and it's not working. The way out? Work more.

I would never give up 'The Wire,' 'Breaking Bad,' and 'Game of Thrones.' I'm grateful for all these expensive, excellent, graphically ambitious programs.

Reading aloud to other people is wonderful - if you have people who will suffer it.

There is so much focus on being self-sufficient, and it makes it very difficult to ask for things. I've been crippled by this notion of high-functioning self-sufficiency. And I see it a lot in younger girls. Asking for help brings people closer in a way that I suspected but didn't actually put into practice.

By the time you're in your 30s, unless somebody makes the god-awful decision to gift you with a cooking class or salsa lessons, it may have been a while since you learnt something new.

If you can relate to what another person is going through while giving their experience room to be its own discrete thing, you're probably a crackerjack emergency contact.

I do not care for musicals. In fact, I hate them.

I just love the comics industry.

A fanboy's heart is filled with love, enthusiasm, and insecurity.