Equal access to reading is fundamental to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Even 'Gone With the Wind' had a shocking, cold-blooded murder.

Jack Reacher is one of the sexiest characters in fiction.

Graphic novels let you take risks that just wouldn't fly in the conventional book form.

Reading develops cognitive skills. It trains our minds to think critically and to question what you are told. This is why dictators censor or ban books. It's why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. It's why girls in developing countries have acid thrown in their faces when they walk to school.

Even if you live in a big city, everybody lives in a small town. We identify ourselves by our neighborhoods - 'I live in the Village, or in Chelsea.'

I firmly believe caretaking the soul is incredibly important for happiness.

Are you used to entertaining everyone with your tales of drama and conflict? Do you get attention and feel important every time you complain about how awful this man is? Stop settling for attention for the negative stuff in your life.

You must remind yourself: The #1 reason to merge your life with a man is that he makes you feel happier - not more anxious and depressed.

Breaking up is hard to do... so it's essential to keep getting wiser - and wiser - about what healthy love is all about.

Instead of asking God to remove our problems so that our lives might be happy, we must purposefully try to learn as much as we can - and thereby become happier due to our insights and growth.

I believe we are our own inner hand - the godly power resides within each of us to create the lives we desire - no matter what the challenges!

Studies show when people yell, they get themselves even angrier. Interesting factoid: If you and/or your partner's heartbeat becomes higher than 100 beats per minute during an argument, you will not be able to fully understand/process what the other is saying.

If your partner is consistently unhappy, it won't matter if they're incredibly sexy, wildly funny, impressively successful, adorably charismatic - your relationship will be weighed down under the heaviness of their moods.

Numerous studies have shown how when one person in a romantic coupling gets depressed, the other becomes more depressed.

Our built-in human system for mimicry explains why we humans can transfer our good and bad moods to each other - if we aren't careful!

Watching TV produces low levels of satisfaction because it doesn't challenge you. Instead, do something that raises your self-esteem. Tap into your 'signature strengths' - things you're good at or passionate about.

If you want to lose weight, you must make sure your appetite for life is far bigger than your appetite for mere food.

I hate to wait. When I want something, I want it now.

If you're human, you've had phases in your life when things are in flux.

Basically, it's in your best mental interest to release your anger so you can see the world more clearly around you and seek better solutions for finding the happy, love-filled life you desire and deserve.

Take the time today to understand your contribution to any bad event you've just been through.

Have you recently been through a challenge, disappointment, break up or disloyalty with somebody in your life? If so, it's important after you've been hurt, to take some time to think like a lion tamer about your pain, so you can tame the possibility of more negativity coming back to bite you again!

Is an out-of-control life challenge making you feel 'out of control' over your entire life? If so, stop lying around doing nothing. Stop sleeping late. Stop watching too much TV. Start recognizing that this lack of a disciplined schedule will only increase your feelings of being out of control of your life.