I feared vulnerability more than my actual emotional pain itself!

Chances are you're using overeating as a way to escape yourself. It's an attempt not to feel or think about what you really need to feel and face.

Since I began my practice of Forgiveness Therapy, it's now instinctual for me to choose to eat like I love myself - instead of eating like I wanted to punish myself. Plus I've not only lost weight, I've lost the anger and anxiety I was feeling, and so I feel happier and calmer within.

I recognized that I needed to re-train my brain to stop eating like I wanted to punish myself or punish someone else. I needed to re-learn how to eat like I loved myself, and want to nourish and support myself.

Often, overeating is a way to punish yourself for the anger and resentment you're feeling - either at yourself or someone else.

Stop allowing yourself to focus on depressing life circumstances - including focusing on being depressed about your weight. All this negative focus will only lead you to feeling bummed and wanting to pig out. Instead, consciously focus on happy life circumstances you enjoy doing, and create more of them!

When you start to prioritize hiring likable people within your organization, these likable people will attract other likable people.

Don't try to convince your partner you are right. Instead of trying to win arguments, try to have a winning relationship!

If you're a good choice maker, you can choose the best emotional responses and choose the best new life paths, forward and upward.

I believe a lot of what contributes to the sadness and downward-spiraling in our lives is a sense of hopelessness. We become resentful when circumstances aren't unfolding as we want, leading us to doubt whether we will ever get what we want.

The next time you find yourself racing quickly down the street, know that you're not only running to your next appointment, you are literally running from contact with your truest feelings, deepest needs and most valuable insights.

Every food I choose to eat helps me become more conscious of how it either moves me forward to my fab weight or backward to my flab weight.

It's not enough to just mildly want what you want. You must wildly want what you want. Nobody ever got their greatest wishes by being wishy-washy. You need to put extreme energy into your power of intention to win what you wanna win.

Personally, I know how challenging it can be to find free time in today's uber-busy, espresso-chugging world to tend to our spirits, to nourish our souls.

If your partner is angry with you, recognize that his anger is a misdirected plea for love. Your partner's simply upset because he feels something you said or did was a sign of not loving him enough.

Your subconscious's goal is to recreate unresolved childhood issues and then hopefully mend them.

Basically, discipline, effort, patience and courage are hugely important core values for kids to grow up embracing.

I've come to realize I'm more spiritual than I am religious. What I mean by this: As far as praying to God goes, I'm more about looking inside for inner guidance - tapping into our own abundantly powerful inner resources - which, I suppose, is where some might say God does indeed reside.

Volunteering is a great way to look outside your own problems. Giving back to makes you happier by both giving you a sense of purpose and helping to put your problems in perspective.

A lot of people love to do affirmations first thing in the morning - to keep themselves feeling peppy and positive.

If you ever want to tame your inner demons, you must consciously choose never to become too attached to any particular life plan - and always remain open to the idea that there might be an even better life plan for you.

Whenever you choose power over love, you will never find true happiness.

I'm doing my best to mindfully raise my son to feel safe and encouraged to express himself.

Marriage counselors in particular all strongly recommend divorcees try to understand their role in a divorce before re-marrying. Statistics show if you re-marry before you've clearly seen things from the biter's point of view - you're re-bounded to fail again!