If you want to love your life more, you can begin by living and loving more of it - by zestfully living and loving every teeny-tiny, gorgeously-detailed minutiae moment!

Personally, I believe people who have a lots of memories are people who are living with zest.

You know you're living with the habit of zest if you purposefully choose the scenic route to wherever you are going. Or you choose clothing because you love the texture of the fabric. Or you pick a shampoo or cleaning product because you love the smell - smell being just as important to you as how the product works.

Wherever there's an all-encompassing 'always,' 'all' or 'never' in your life, it's a sign that your mischievous subconscious is setting you up for failure by consistently leading you back toward these repeat performances.

Over time, we amass limiting beliefs about how life supposedly is - beliefs that are not valid. Then we allow these limiting beliefs to stop us from fully living our happiest lives.

It seems every morning I wake up to face a list of 20 things to do, with time only to do 10, and somehow I always wind up squishing in 30.

I'm a huge fan of meditation. I know lots of people assume meditation to be some Buddhist mumbo-jumbo, but it's been scientifically documented to create therapeutic changes in the brain.

Babies choose to lackadaisically notice the quirkiest of details - unlike us grown ups, who choose instead to focus on what we believe is most essential to us. As a result, babies have a greater expanded consciousness than us grown-ups!

The best relationship is one that does not foster too much independence nor too much dependence, but exists in the healthy interdependence zone.

I believe that often people even stay in bad relationships longer than they should because the fear of the pain of dating is scarier than the pain of a bad relationship!

Basically, a bad breakup is never meant to teach you 'I'll never fall in love again.' It's meant to teach you 'Now I better know what makes for healthful, happy love - and thanks to this breakup I'm now better able to recognize it and snag it!'

I believe you can never fail in life or love. You just produce results. It's up to you how you interpret those results.

Not only are police officers often taken for granted, many people are highly vocal about their dislike for cops.

Imagine feeling like every kiss goodbye to your loved ones each day might be your last kiss. Police officers and their families feel this way every single day.

In general, being likeable is more about being interested - rather than interesting. Indeed, a good way to convince someone that you are an awesome conversationalist is to simply shut up and let the other person talk.

When you're warm and approachable, you don't have to go up and talk non-stop to someone in a social situation. You just have to be open to the conversations you're already having - and warm and receptive to the people you're meeting.

When you follow your heart's calling, you wind up becoming your most powerful self. You don't need to take power from others if you can tap into your own inner power.

Power might feel tasty and good in the moment, but it will never be satisfying, never fill you up. Yep, no matter how much power you get, you will always feel empty. You just keep wanting more and more power.

When you feel bad on the inside, you wind up wanting to do things to make others feel bad. In contrast, when you feel happy on the inside, you want to do things to make others feel happy.

I want my son to become aware that he is in charge of the choices he makes, and it's good to make thoughtful, good choices.

I believe we create a lot of problems in our relationships if we don't feel safe to talk about our feelings at the speed of life.

The more you stay with and/or complain about a toxic person, the more you're merely delaying doing the important inner work you need to do - to heal your wounds, expand your limiting beliefs, and show yourself far more love and respect.

I'm lucky I live near Whole Foods... so if I'm hungry, I can walk in there and grab something yummy... already made... or make it myself. I love to cook. I make a killer marinara sauce.

Insight enables you make sure you don't allow negative beliefs to get permanently set in your thinking - just the same way you wouldn't want fractured bones to be permanently set into place.