I would never do 'Playboy.'

I started playing piano age six. I was also singing in the choir, so my mum put me into music school. I went to study there for seven years, but it was not my passion. I quit because I wanted to study marketing. But I can still play piano.

I'm always sad to leave paradise, but I leave behind the hopes of coming again soon.

Even if you have some extra kilos, you don't need to kill yourself for that; you just have to look at yourself as a positive.

My father was dark skinned because he was Tatar. Sometimes Tatars can look Brazilian.

The only art I have is a Polaroid from Peter Beard from his book. I shot with him four years ago, and he did a special Polaroid for me, so I consider it a piece of art.

We will all be gone one day. Not as a negative thing - as a positive thing, too, you know, and we should leave something behind ourselves.

I do boxing; I do a little jiu jitsu, which I am obsessed with.

It doesn't matter if you're small, big, or fit: if you go in front of the camera and deliver and say, 'Oh my God, I look amazing,' and just be sure about yourself, everything will be perfect.

Stay away from the sun and remember the skin on a woman's neck, hands and face is sensitive and ages easily, so apply a high SPF sunscreen on those areas.

I always had a short bob with bangs, and I hated it. My mum would always say, 'A short hair cut is always the way to go for you.' I had it for fourteen years!

Sometimes I wake up and think I look horrible. And sometimes I see a strong woman.

I am trying to concentrate on books. You know, I love Dostoevsky; he's my favourite writer.

I don't spend a lot of money on clothes, which is weird because I am a fashion model, but when it comes to the new collections coming out, I am just praying designers send it to me for free.

I think whatever dress you wear, people will criticise you. Different people have different opinions.

I travel around the world, and there are so many beautiful girls, but that's not going to make you a supermodel. You have to have something more than just a pretty face.

Use coconut oil; it is one of the best moisturizers. Use it right after the shower on wet skin and then wipe it off with a towel.

I'm Russian: I'm into men, diamonds, and caviar.

I was born and raised in a small village, and I didn't even think I was especially pretty.

For my body, I like high-waisted jeans because they make your leg look longer and hides this extra thing on my stomach. You can eat extra food with it because it hides, and I like to tuck in my t-shirts.

What I've never understood is why some women use plastic surgery to make themselves more attractive to men. The most beautiful woman is someone who's happy and is always smiling.

My ideal man is faithful, honest, and a gentleman who knows how to treat women.

Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing.

I've used a stylist twice, and that was when I didn't have time to go shopping or pick up an outfit for a photo shoot. I think you should dress yourself, have fun with it - it's only clothes.