I don't do anything by myself. I have a whole crew to get me ready every day.

We never wore burkas because Somalis had our own culture.

You want a career? Do that first. You don't want to have kids? Then don't. You don't want to get married? Then don't. But once you do something, you've got to know that there is compromise.

When everyone is telling you, 'You're so beautiful, there's nobody like you,' you begin to think it's true. But of course there is nobody like you.

I was never a practicing Muslim. But I do consider myself a Muslim.

People talk about the miracle of birth. No. There's the miracle of conception. I did IVF, but nothing happened. So I began to think of adoption, and then I got pregnant. It was definitely a miracle.

I started the cosmetics in 1994 after I stopped modeling, out of my frustration as a woman of color not finding what I needed.

I'm a very political person, and I think things through clearly, even when I was 18 years old.

I have a certain manner of speech that is unique to me. I tried once to have my staff tweet for me, and it was a disaster! People knew right away that it wasn't me.

My father... gave me a positive connection with men because he is a gentleman.

I did not want to get involved with a rock star. No way. It is not a sane thing to do.

We are very private, so we decided from early on that we will keep the press and editors and everybody out of our house.

Mrs. Obama is not a great beauty. But she is so interesting-looking - so bright. That will always take you farther.

I am the face of a refugee. I was once a refugee. I was with my family in exile.

I vowed to myself when I got married that I would cook every night. I find it very therapeutic.

I would rather Google other people than Google myself.

I didn't start exercising until the end of my modeling career. When you're young, you eat and drink what you want and stay up all night and still look good.

I was not considered beautiful at all. Really. And this is what all models say. But I'm still not considered that beautiful in my country. I don't know the beauty ideal where I come from - but it's not me.

I wanted a bronzer so I could look like I just came from Ibiza everyday.

I had never seen 'Vogue.' I didn't read fashion magazines, I read 'Time' and 'Newsweek.'

Bowie is just a persona. He's a singer, an entertainer. David Jones is a man I met.

Nobody has ever said to me that I was pretty, 'til I met Peter Beard.

When I was in high school,we were, like, 4,000 or 5,000 students, and 50 girls - and I didn't have a date for my prom. My father paid my cousin to take me.

Italian was my first foreign language. I speak it better than English.